Submission 0527-JUDD

Submitter: priscilla Judd

Community: Lumby

Date Submitted: April 28, 2023

The following submission requests that Tolko Industries postpone its planned use of pesticides near Lumby until the commission has determined the effects of pesticides on Fraser sockeye. The submission suggests that pesticides contribute to the loss of salmon and salmon habitat, and recommends alternative methods, such as manual removal, to control vegetation growth on forestry blocks.

Dear Mr Robert Kennett, Mr John Dunford, Mr Randy Chan of Tolko Industries and the Cohen Commission

I am a resident of Lumby British Columbia, where Tolko is planning to spray herbicides – I am wiring to the Cohen Commission because this is the sort of problem that happens for salmon. Without specific attention to the forestry operations neither the public nor the Commission is aware of what’s happening here.

The health of our watersheds Are very important to salmon and the people of this planet. Therefore, I hope you will post pone your planned use of pesticide until such time as the Cohen Commission an make a determination about the effects of pesticides sprayed into our watershed.

Personally, I am opposed to spraying herbicides and pesticides on any area within the province, having experienced the adverse effects of a pesticide violation, I am one person who can say from experience that pesticides are extremely unhealthy and should not be used.

I believe the use of these products contributes to the loss of salmon and a healthy salmon habitat. It is inevitable that these poisons move through the soil and into the water. Although the Government of Canada approves the use of these Chemicals – they do not claim they are SAFE. Water supports all life on this planet – we share the water on earth – it belongs to everyone. Our salmon have no way of objecting to being sprayed or fed toxic products. There is a lot of information that suggests even the smallest particles of toxic products are extremely lethal to fish.

I believe there are respectful and sustainable ways to control vegetation growth on forestry blocks, like manual removal, which could also create local job opportunities. Even volunteers could make a big difference – with co-operation, together we can protect our salmon for future generations.

I am asking both Tolko and the Cohen Commission to review the planned spraying and publish this on their website. Hopefully there are other people who will, like me volunteer to help with weed control. I hope the Pest Management Plan can be changed to natural methods of weed control and exclude the chemical pesticides and herbicides that you are planning to spray.

Priscilla Judd,
148 Albers Rd
Lumby BC
V0E 2G5

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