Public Forums

The Cohen Commission on the decline of the Fraser River sockeye salmon will hold a series of public forums in communities that have an interest in the Fraser River sockeye salmon. These forums will provide an opportunity for community members to make a presentation to the commission. The commission has identified five questions, the answers for which will assist it address the mandate of the commission:

In answering the above questions, please keep in mind the commission’s mandate:

At the public forum

  1. Presentations are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. If there are more presenters than the available time, presenters may be asked to shorten their presentation.

  2. Presenters who prepare written materials are encouraged to provide a copy to the commission.

    1. If you have not previously provided a copy of your presentation to the commission, please bring 6 copies to the forum.

    2. With the presenters’ permission, the presentation will be placed on the commission’s website.

    3. Presenters are also invited to submit their presentations using the Public Submission process on the commission’s website.

    4. If the written material is more than five pages long, presenters are asked to include a short executive summary for the presentation. Recommendations included in the presentation should be brought forward to the executive summary.

    5. If presenters wish to share their written materials with the audience, a table will be available for this purpose.

  3. Presenters who require the use of audio-visual equipment (e.g. an overhead projector and/or LCD projector) should advise the commission well in advance. Audio-visual equipment will be available provided you tell the commission in advance that you require these services.

  4. All presentations will be recorded for use by commission staff.

  5. A podium with a microphone will be available.

Recording and summarizing the proceedings

  1. An audio recording will be made of every public hearing. These recordings will not be posted on the commission’s website.

  2. Written summaries of the public forum presentations will be prepared by commission staff and placed on the website. Summaries of public forum presentations can be viewed on the commission’s website.

Change of schedule

If there are any changes to the dates, times or locations of a public forum, they will be on our Schedule page and you will be contacted by email (if provided) or telephone.

Further information

If you require further information please contact Leo Perra, Executive Director at