
Exhibit # Exhibit Name


[Formerly For ID – TTT] – Goldes, S – A Critique on ISAv Detection Capabilities of the Canadian Fish Health Protection Regulations, 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID – TTT-A] – CV of Sally Goldes – NonRT


[Formerly For ID – QQQ] – Summary of Animal Health Centre PCR results for ISAv in Tissues from British Columbia Farmed Salmon, 2003-2011 – NonRT


Email from L Hawley to K Garver et al, er Georgia Straight Sockeye – ISA Screening Update, Nov 9 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID RRR] – Email from K Klotins to F Kibenge et al, re BC Parliament – CFIA, ISA, UPEI, SFU and Winton, Oct 20, 2023 [redacted] – NonRT


Workflow Diagram, Sample Collection ISAV, undated – NonRT


Timeline, ISAV #2, Oct 2011 – NonRT


Timeline, ISAV #1, Oct-Nov 2011 – NonRT


Email from M Kibenge to S Jones re ISAV Sequences, Mar 5 2004 – NonRT


First Nations Perspectives – Review of National Aquatic Animal Health Program, Draft Mar 31 2010 [Assembly of First Nations] – NonRT


Aquatic Animal Health’s Technical Briefing re Reported Suspect Finding of ISAV in BC, Conference Call Nov 10 2011 – NonRT


Email from B Blom to C Kiley re Fwd – Urgent, Draft Letter Required ASAP Please, Nov 7 2011 – NonRT


Email from P Wright to S Johnson et al, re Inconclusive as a [sic] Interpretation, Nov 18 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID SSS] – Email from T Davis to K Klotins and V Pedersen, re DFO Lab Discussion, Oct 20 2011, with attached PCR Checklist – NonRT


OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code, Chapter 1.4 – Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance, 2011 – NonRT


Email from N Gagne to self re ISAV Test Results, Case 2011-261, Samples of RNA Submitted from Kristi Miller, with 10 Attachments, Dec 9 2011 – NonRT


Attachment 1 – RT Beta-tubuline 166F 434R 2011-12-05.2 2011-261, Dec 8 2011 -261 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 2 – Beta-tubuline 166F 434R 2023-12-05 2011-261, Dec 5 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 3 – ISAV 404F RA3 2011-12-05.4 2011-261 – 11PR023, Dec 5 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 4 – ISAV 404F RA3 2023-12-05 2011-261 – 11PR022, Dec 5 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Attachment 5 – ISAV 404F RA3 2023-12-05 2011-261 – 11PR022, Dec 5 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 6 – ISAV 404F RA3 2011-12-05.2 2011-261 – 11PR022, Dec 5 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Attachment 7 – ISAV 404F RA3 – 2011-12-05.2 2011-261 – 11PR022, Dec 5 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 8 – ISAV 404F RA3 2011-12-05.3 2011-261 – 11PR023, Dec 5 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Attachment 9 – ISAV 404F RA3 – 2011-12-05.3 2011-261 – 11PR023, Dec 5 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 10 – ISAV 404F RA3 2011-12-05.4 2011-261 – 11PR023, Dec 5 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Protecting Canada’s Aquatic Species from Disease – a Focus on Canada’s Pacific Region, Dec 2011 [DFO website as of Dec 2 2011] – NonRT


Joint Letter of Cooperation on Fish Disease Mgmt, between DFO and CFIA, Nov 18, 2023 – NonRT


Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) Virus – Accepted Testing Methods [CFIA website as of Dec 13, 2023], with attached URL – NonRT


Infectious Salmon Anaemia [CFIA website as of Dec 13, 2023], with attached URL – NonRT


Changes to the Health of Animals Regulations – Aquatic Animal Diseases [CFIA website as of Dec 13, 2023], with attached URL – NonRT


Umbrella MOU between DFO and CFIA on Development and Implementation of a National Aquatic Health Program, unsigned version, Dec 12, 2023 – NonRT


CFIA Call Log, Answered by Ray Fletcher, Ref No AQAH-DDC-MN-064609, Nov 30 2011 [CFIA] – NonRT


Addendum to Exh 2126 – Email from G Grande-McNeill [DOJ], Providing Text Missing from Call Log in Exh 2126, Dec 19, 2023 – NonRT


Email from N Gagne to self re Latest Tests on 2004 Molly Kibenge’s Samples, with 5 Attachments, Dec 9 2011 – NonRT


Attachment 1 – ISAV 404F RA3 – Amplification Plots, Dec 7 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Attachment 2 – ISAV 404F RA3, Dec 7 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 3 – ISAV 483F 593R-Snow – MBU-48 – Dec 8 2011 [Excel] – NonRT


Attachment 4 – ISAV 483F 593R-Snow – MBU-48 – Amplification Plots, Dec 8 2011 [MxPro Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Screenshot] – NonRT


Attachment 5 – RT Beta-tubuline 166F 434R – MBU-48, Dec 8, 2023 [Excel] – NonRT


Email from P Wright to N Gagne et al, re Paper Authored by Molly Kibenge et al, Dec 2 2011 – NonRT


LC840 Data Analysis of ISAV Testing at AVC, Nov 29 2011 [PowerPoint]- NonRT


Summary of Info from a Document Review and On-Site Visit (Nov 18 2011) for the ISA OIE Reference Lab at Atlantic Veterinary College – NonRT


CFIA – Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory Assessment Working Group – National Emergency Response Team (NERT), Draft Nov 10 2011 – NonRT


Email from B Evans to C Kiley and K Klotins re Fwd ISA Virus BC, with attached letter from OIE to A Morton, Nov 30 2011 – NonRT


Memo to the Minister (For Info) – Complementary Surveillance Effort in Cultured and Wild Salmonid Species in BC, Dec 2011 [CFIA] – NonRT


Series of emails btw F Kibenge and S Jones, with attached untitled documents, May-Dec 2003 – NonRT


Wright et al, Development of a Framework for International Certification by OIE of Diagnostic Tests Validated as Fit for Purpose, 2006 [Developments in Biologicals] – NonRT


Email from S Mithani re Mandatory Notification of Aquatic Animal Diseases, Nov 28 2011 – NonRT


Email Exchange btw M Kibenge and S Jones, re Paper, ending on Jan 12 2006 – NonRT


Email exchange btw M Kibenge and S Jones, re ISAV Sequences, ending on Feb 14 2005 – NonRT


Kibenge (M), Presence of ISAV Nucleotide Sequences in Wild Pacific Salmon, undated draft, with multiple email exchanges btw M Kibenge, N Gagne et al, MAy-Jun 2004 – NonRT


Surveillance Plan for ISAV, IPNV and IHNV in Anadromous Salmonids in BC, v 2.0, Nov 2011 [CFIA AAHD] – NonRT


CFIA Inspection Checklist – Animal Pathogen Containment Level 2 Laboratories, Jun 26 2009 – NonRT


Email from J Beres to C Kiley et al, re Fwd – The Early Bird – Nov 9 2011. ISAV, Nov 9 2011 – NonRT


Issue Updates – As Per Calls with CFIA, period Oct 18 – Dec 7 2011 [DFO] – NonRT


Email from R Fletcher to D Aitken et al, re SFU Samples, Oct 18 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #2, Oct 19 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #3, Oct 20 2011 [Identical to Exh 2095] – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #4, Oct 21 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #5, Oct 24 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #6, Oct 25 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #7, Oct 26 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #8, Oct 27 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #9, Oct 28 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #10 Oct 31 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #11, Nov 2 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #12, Nov 4 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #13, Nov 7 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #14, Nov 9 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #15, Nov 15 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #16, Nov 18 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #17, Nov 25 2011 – NonRT


ISA Situation Report (Internal), Update #18, Dec 8 2011 – NonRT


ISA-ISAV Hazard Specific Plan (HSP) Draft v 1.0, Apr 21 2011 [CFIA AAHD] – NonRT


Aquatic Animal Health Functional Plan, Draft Sep 1 2010 – [CFIA AAHD] – NonRT


Email from K Klotins to C Kiley, re Laboratory Result Notification of a Negative Test Result, Nov 24 2011 – NonRT


Directive – Mandatory Notification of Reportable Aquatic Animal Diseases, Jan 19 2011 [CFIA AAHD] – NonRT


Email from V Pedersen to T DAvis and K Klotins re PEI, with attached Draft CFIA CL2 Inspection Checklist (CSVF-Aquatics), Oct 20 2011 – NonRT


Email from T Davis to K Klotins and V Pedersen re PEI, Oct 19 2011 – NonRT


Statement from Dr. Fred Kibenge, Nov 17 2011 – CCI001577


Statement from Ministers of DFO and Agriculture & Agrifoods – Inconclusive – ISAV in BC Salmon, undated – NonRT


Transcript, CFIA-DFO News Conference on Suspected ISA Investigation in BC, Nov 8 2011 [prepared by Media Q for DFO] – NonRT


Media Lines and Q & A – ISAv Interim Results – Ongoing Investigation, Draft Nov 8 2011 [CFIA-DFO] – NonRT


Backgrounder – ISA Virus – Accepted Testing Methods, Draft Nov 8 2011 [DFO] – NonRT


ISAV Situation Report (Internal) Update #3, Oct 20 2011 – NonRT


Speaking for the Salmon, Invitational Scientists’ Think Tank – Managing for Uncertainty – Pathogens and Diseases in PAcific Salmon, Dec 7 2011 [SFU] – NonRT


Wild Sampling in Support of the NAAHP – Proposed DFO Activities for 2007-08- CAN496839


Kibenge (F) et al, Laboratory Issues – Aquatic Animal Disease, Diagnosis and Global Trends, undated [PowerPoint] – NonRT


Walling, Government Agencies Working Diligently to Protect Salmon, Vancouver Sun Letters, Nov 24 2011 – NonRT


Press Release – Canada Completes ISA Testing – No Confirmed Cases in BC Salmon, Dec 2 2011 [webpage as of Dec 2 2011] – NonRT


Press Release – Statement from the Minister of DFO and BC Minister of Agriculture, on New Test Results Indicating that there are No Confirmed Cases of ISA in BC Salmon, Nov 9 2011 [webpage as of Nov 2


Email exchange btw A-M MacKinnon, N Gagne et al, re Preliminary Results vs. Final Results, Oct 25 2011 – NonRT


Comparison of AVC and DFO Procedures for ISAV Testing, undated [chart] – NonRT


Kibenge (F), Confidential Report – Opinion – ISA Diagnostics on Farmed Salmon in BC, Jul 14 2011 – NonRT


US 112th Congress, Sen Durbin for Sen Cantwell, HR 2112, Amendment SA 893-To Direct the NAAHTF to Assess the Risk ISA Poses to Wild Pacific Salmon and the Coastal Economies which Rely on Them – NonRT


Email thread btw M E Walling, K Miller-Saunders et al, re Proposal, ending on Oct 4 2011 – NonRT


Email from S Stephen to B Evans et al, re Positive Finding of ISAV, Nov 27 2009 – CAN174359


Email exchange btw G Marty, K Klotins et al re Will ISAV PCR Tests Run by the BC Animal Health Centre Detect All Strain of ISAV, ending on Aug 12 2011 – NonRT


Letter from M E Walling, BCSFA to K Ashfield, Minister DFO, Nov 25 2011 – NonRT


Molecular Diagnostics Sequence Identification Summary, Case 2011-0855, Nov 23 2011 – NonRT


All ISAV Tested Samples � January 2011 to Present [Excel] – NonRT


Marty, Evidence that Jaundice Syndrome in Farmed Chinook Salmon is Not Associated with Positive PCR Test Results for ISAV, Dec 14 2011 – NonRT


Marty, Histopathology of Chinook Salmon Sampled as Part of a Study into the Cause of Jaundic Syndrome, undated [Excel] – NonRT


Li, SOP for Fluidigm Real-Time PCR TaqMan Assay, Dec 6 2011 – NonRT


ISA Laboratory Assessment – ISA OIE Reference Laboratory, Atlantic Veterinary College, Draft, Dec 14 2011 [CFIA] – NonRT


ISA Laboratory Assessment – NAAHLS Laboratory, Global Fisheries Center, DFO, Draft, Dec 2011 [CFIA] – NonRT


OIE Validation and Certification of Diagnostic Assays, Validation Pathway for NAAHLS Diagnostic Test Methods, Dossier Template, undated – NonRT


OIE Terrestrial Manual 2010, Ch 1.1.4, Principles and Methods of Validation of Diagnostic Assays for Infectious Diseases – NonRT


OIE Validation and Certification of Diagnostic Assays, Validation Pathway for NAAHLS Diagnostic Test Methods, Molecular Analysis for ISAV, Draft v 2.1 Dec 30 2008 – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Rick Routledge, updated Oct 20 2011 – NonRT


Email from N Gagne to K Miller-Saunders, re Shipment, Primers and Probe, Dec 6 2011 with Attachment ISAV 404F RA3 [Excel] – NonRT


Email from C Crystal to L Hawley et al, re ISAV Proficiency Panel, Sep 9 2011, with attached report entitled MXPro – MX3000P [cf Exh 2067], – NonRT


Email exchange btw L Hawley, N Gagne and C Crystal re ISAV Proficiency Panel, ending on Aug 30 2011, with 2 attachments – NonRT


Attachment 1 – MXPro – Mx3000P, Aug 30 2011 – NonRT


Attachment 2 – DFO Proficiency Testing Form – ISAV RT-PCR or qRT-PCR, Aug 2011 – NonRT


Email from L Hawley to K Garver re Sequencher Project, with attached graph entitled ISAV Segment 8, Nov 21 2011 – NonRT


DFO Pacific Region ISAV, IHNV and IPNV Survey Goals, undated – NonRT


Email from M Saunders to K Miller-Saunders et al, re Research and Monitoring Plan related to ISA, Dec 8 2011 – NonRT


Miller, Test Results of Second Analysis, undated [Excel] – NonRT


ISA Snow8 and ISA-8 2010 Sequences, undated – NonRT


Miller, Test Results from the 7900, undated [Excel] – NonRT


Miller, Test Results of 96 Samples with All Five Primer Sets [Excel] – NonRT


Inbterpretation of ISA Positive Results Obtained Using Real-Time PCR (Draft), undated – NonRT


Beginner’s Guide to Real-Time PCR, undated [PrimerDesign] – NonRT


Nucleic Nucleic Acid Detection Assays, v 1.1 – Appendix, Development and Optimisation of NAD Tests, Feb 3 2011 – NonRT


Notes from November 18 and 24 2011 Briefings on ISA testing results being conducted in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory – DFO602201


Email from K. Miller-Saunders to S. Stephen, More results for orthomyxo primers – Jan 1, 2024 – NonRT


ISAV Prevalence in 1980 – NonRT


Creative Salmon ISA Test Results – NonRT


Identification of the ISAv7 Genomic Expression Profile in the 07-10 44K Liver Microarray Data – Dec 7, 2023 – DFO603123


Presentation to Fish Health Group on Status of Molecular Screening for Orthomyxoviruses Performed by the Molecular Genetics Laboratory – Nov 24, 2023 – DFO602200


Moncton Aquatic Animal Health Section Diagnostic Laboratories – DFO600552


ISAV – AHC (Real-Time Assay), using Wegener Primers and Probe, undated – NonRT


Email thread btw K Kaukinen and G Marty et al re ACRDP Creative Salmon Array Information, ending Oct 25 2011 – NonRT


National Test Method Protocl Approval – RT-qPCR Diagnostic, Draft #3, Feb 18 2011 – NonRT


Gagne, QA-QC Summary, Nov 14 2011 – NonRT


Email thread btw M Kibenge and S Jones re Paper, ending on Nov 14 2011, with attached paper, Asymptomatic ISA in Juvenile Oncorhyncus Species from the Northest Pacific Ocean, undated – CCI001528


MIller, Rivers Inlet Sockeye Notes, Oct 21 2011 – NonRT


Garver Results, by Experiment, undated [Excel spreadsheet] – NonRT


Prevalence of ISAV identified Using 5 Distinct TaqMan Assays in Gill Tissue from 2007-2010, [Graphs] NonRT


Primers and Probes for ISAV, undated – NonRT


Email thread btw C Crystal and N Gagne re Good news? Bad news? Resultats homogenats 2011-226, ending on Nov 4 2011 – NonRT


Email thread btw A Veniot and S Johnson et al, re Lab Reports, ending on Nov 18 2011 – NonRT


Technical Information for DFO Moncton, based on Sample Sets for Lab Assessment Regarding ISA in BC Salmon, undated – NonRT


DFO Fish Health Unit Laboratory Report – Case 2011-25, Dec 1 2011 – NonRT


DFO Fish Health Unit Laboratory Report – Case 2011-214, Dec 6 2011 – NonRT


Workenhe et al, ISAV Isolates Induce Distinct Gene Expression Responses in the Atlantic Salmon Macrophage Dendritic-like Cell Line TO, Assessed Using Genomic Techniques, Jul 18 2009 [Molecular Immunol


Kibenge, Kibenge and Massoud, ISAV RIngtest – Validation of the ISAV Diagnostic Process using Vireus-spiked Fish Tissues and ISAV Taqman real-time RT-PCR, 2011 [J Aquc Res Development] – NonRT


Nylund, Report on Testing of Gill Samples from Salmonids collected in BC, Canada, Nov 12 2011 – NonRT


Transcription of News Conference re Suspected ISA Investigation in BC, Dec 2 2011 – NonRT


Testing of gill and heart samples from smolt and herring collected in BC – Nov. 8, 2011 – NonRT


Transcription of News Conference on ISA Investigation in BC, Nov 8, 2023 [CFIA, DFO and Province of BC] – NonRT


No Confirmed Cases of ISA in BC – Nov. 8, 2011 – DFO600991


Federal Investigation into ISAv in BC Salmon – Oct. 24, 2011 – NonRT


Mandatory Notification of Reportable Aquatic Animal Diseases – Jan. 19, 2011 – DFO602518


Investigation of Suspected ISAv in BC – DFO599507


Diseases of Finfish – Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) – NonRT


Procedure for Receipt and Evaluation of Mandatory Notifications for the National Aquatic Animal Health Program – May. 10, 2011 – NonRT


Mandatory Notification and Suspect Phase Disease Response Policy for the National Aquatic Animal Health Program – Apr. 8, 2010 – NonRT


Subsection 32(1) of the Health of Animals Act – Oct. 28, 2011 – DFO599671


No Confirmed Cases of Infectious Salmon Anaemia in BC – Nov. 9, 2011 – NonRT


USDA – International Response to ISA – Prevention, Control, and Eradication – NonRT


Development, Application and Validation of a Taqman Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of ISAv in Atlantic Salmon – 2006 – NonRT


Prevalence of ISAv in wild salmonids in western Norway – Aug. 9, 2005 – NonRT


Use of RT-PCR for diagnosis of ISAv in carrier sea trout Salmo trutta after experimental infection – Feb. 24, 2000 – NonRT


Testing of gill and heart samples from salmonids collected in BC – AQU000325


Testing of gill samples from juvenile Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye salmon) collected in Rivers Inlet on the central coast of BC – Nov. 2, 2011 – CCI001644


Testing of gill samples from juvenile Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye salmon) collected in Rivers Inlet on the central coast of BC – Oct. 27, 2011 – NonRT


Annual Reports of OIE Reference Lab – ISA, 2004-2010 – CCI001578-84


Absolute quantitation of ISAv using different real-time RT-PCR chemistries – Journal of Virological Methods 154 (2008) 128�134 – Sep. 26, 2008 – NonRT


Terms of Reference OIE World Organisation for Animal Health – Nov. 25, 2011 – CCI001585


Email from F Kibenge to A Morton, re Samples, Oct 31 2011 with Attachment – Alexandra Morton Samples VT10312011 – CCI001567-8


Testing Records – Alexandra Morton samples (Sockeye, Coho, Pink) VT11072011_November 07 2011 – Nov. 25, 2011 – NonRT


Testing Records – Alexandra Morton samples (Sockeye, Chinook, & Coho)_VT10142011_October 20 2011 – Nov. 14, 2011 – NonRT


Email from F Kibenge to A Morton, re Update, Nov 1 2011 with Attachment – Alexandra Morton Samples VT10142001 – CCI001564-5


Testing Records – Richard Routlege samples VT10042011 Oct. 12, 2011 Update on virus isolation attempts – Nov. 14, 2011 – NonRT


Content of Information to Provide from an OIE Reference Laboratory – Oct. 15, 2011 – CCI001558


Statement – Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Dec. 2, 2011 – NonRT


Estimation of the repeatability and reproducibility of three diagnostic tests for ISAv – Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 101�110 – NonRT


Fisheries and Oceans, Laboratory Report – Nov. 7, 2011 – DFO602315


Preventive Veterinary Medicine – Vol. 92 Issues 1-2, Nov. 1, 2009 – NonRT


OIE Validation and Certification of Diagnostic Assays – NonRT


CV of Peter Wright – DFO550320


CV of Stephen Stephen – NonRT


CV of Kim Klotins – NonRT


Nylund ISA publications – NonRT


CV of Fred Kibenge – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Nellie Gagn� – NonRT


English et al, Draft Surveillance Report BC Commercial Sockeye Salmon Fisheries, prepared for DFO, Oct 2011 [Intertek Moody Marine] – NonRT


English et al, Draft Surveillance Report BC Commercial Sockeye Salmon Fisheries, prepared for DFO, Nov 2011 Final Version [Intertek Moody Marine] – NonRT


Draft Performance Review of the WSP, prepared for DFO, Sep 2011 [Gardner Pinfold] – NonRT


Performance Review of the WSP, prepared for DFO, Sep 2011 Final Version [Gardner Pinfold] – NonRT


[Formerly For ID Z] – Memo from L Loomis and AF Lill to JC Woodey re Assessment of the Classification of Stocks to Stock Group, Apr 18 1996 [PSC] – CAN059755


[Formerly For ID X] – Email thread btw A Webb, S Farlinger et al re Compliance Sampling 2005 – Shaw Point ending Mar 10, 2024 – CAN127397


[Formerly For ID U] – Nelson FRSS Benchmark Study – A Business Perspective on Fraser Sockeye, rev Jul 2006 [Prepared for AAFC CAFI Program] – CAN163001


[Formerly For ID R-19] – Ch 5 – My Life in the Fishing Business, Excerpt from Assu with Inglis, Assu of Cape Mudge – Recollections of a Coastal Indian Chief, 1989 [UBC Press] – NonRT


[Formerly For ID T] – Letter from Nechako Watershed Council to G Shea, [DFO] re NWC Report on a Water Release Facility at Kenney Dam, Dec 3 2009 – CAN096015


[Formerly For ID ZZ] – Lewis re Kent’s Infectious Diseases and Potential Impacts on Survival of FRSS, Aug 10 2011 – [cf Exh 1449] – NonRT


[Formerly For ID XX] – Morton, Atlantic & Pacific Farm Salmon Mortalities, Inside Passage 2002-2010 [Graph] – NonRT


[Formerly for ID WW] – Beamish, Assessing the Impact of Salmon Farming on Pacific Salmon at the Population Level in BC, Jul 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly for ID QQ] – Morton, Graphs of BCMAL Audit Data (BCP002864), Region 3 Only [cf Exh 1549-217] – NonRT


Formerly for ID OO – Hammell, Qualitative Assessment of Risk, and Mitigation of Importing Exotic Disease through Eggs, rev Aug 18 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly for ID MM] – Langer, Brief to the BCEAO – Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project, Apr 26 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly for ID DD] – Langer, Juvenile Sockeye Use of the Lower Fraser River and its Estuary – A Note for Submission to the Cohen Commission, Dec 15, 2023 Draft – NonRT


[Formerly For ID – III] – Email from C Walters to D Marmorek re Sockeye Dynamics (with three attached graphs), Sep 15, 2023 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID FFF] – Affidavit of Rob Morley #1, – NonRT


[Formerly For ID EEE] – Socio -Economic Benefits of Finfish Aquaculture in BC Aboriginal Communities, Aug 2011 [Canadian Aquaculture Systems] – NonRT


[Formerly For ID DDD] – Morton, What is Happening to the Fraser Sockeye?, Aug 14 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID AAA] – Lewis, Sea Lice – Could They Act as Disease Vectors?, Jul 19 2011 – NonRT


Revised Affidavit #1 of Otto E. Langer, Sep 22, 2023 – Redacted per Commissioner’s Ruling Oct 7, 2023 – NonRT


Questions from the Commission to Otto Langer re his Affidavit #1, Oct 11 2011 – NonRT


Questions from Canada to Otto Langer re his Affidavit #1, Oct 11 2011 – NonRT


Response of Otto Langer to Questions from the Commission re his Affidavit #1, Oct 16 2011 – NonRT


Response of Otto Langer to Questions from Canada re his Affidavit #1, Oct 19 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID OOO] Historical Fraser River Abundance, undated [DFO] – NonRT


Holtby, A Synoptic Approach for Assessing the Conservation Status of Pacific Salmon on a Regional Basis, Draft 2011 [CSAS 2011-P23] – NonRT


Upper Columbia Aquatic Management Partnership (UCAMP): Aboriginal Aquatic Resources and Oceans Managment Program, Coolaborative Management Agreement, Jan – Mar 2007 – NonRT


Hyatt et al, Fish and Water Management Tool Project Assessments: Okanagan Adult Sockeye Salmon Abundance and Biological Traits in 2005, Mar 6 2006 – NonRT


Okanagan Fish-Water Management Tool: Guidelines for Apprentice Water Managers, v.2.0.000, Nov 2006 [ESSA] – NonRT


Terms of Reference – Canadian Okanagan Basin Technical Working Group, Jan 7 2003 – NonRT


Affidavit #1 of Mike Lapointe, Sep 27 2011 – NonRT


First Nations Housing MOU with Canada and BC, May 21 2008 – NonRT


Pacific Aboriginal Fisheries Framework (PAFF) SWAT Assessment, 2008 [DFO] – CAN460169


BC Tripartite First Nations Health – Basis for a Framework Agreement on Health Governance btw BCFN, Canada and BC, Jul 26 2010 – NonRT


First Nations Health Plan MOU btw FNLC, GOC and GBC, Nov 27 2006 – NonRT


Letter from First Nations Fisheries Council to Minister K Ashfield, Aug 2 2011 – NonRT


Letter from First Nations Leadership Council to Minister Ashfield, Jul 13 2011 – NonRT


[Formerly For ID – BB] – Memo for the Deputy Minister (Decision Sought), re Admin and Enforcement of the Pollution Prevention Provisions of The Fisheries Act (Sec 36) , Dec 23, 2023 – NonRT


Articles re Missouri River Recovery Program and Independent Science Advisory Panel – NonRT


Decision Guidelines for Evaluating Requests to Change the Provisions of FSC Mandates, Draft 2: Jun 27 2005 [DFO] – CAN352373


DFO Pacific Region – Interim Assessment Framework and Procedures for Addressing Changes to First Nation FSC Allocations and Fishing Locations, Jan 20 2005 [DFO] – CAN352711


Departmental Priorities – Extended DMC, Sep 29-30 2010 [DFO] – CAN474001


CAAR-MHC Mortality & Morbidity Workshop Nov 18, 2023 – Comments on Proceeding Transcript as Submitted by the Conservation Coalition to the Cohen Commission [BCSFA] (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 1 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT (Files will be uploaded after the close of evidentiary hearings)


Audio File 2 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 3 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 4 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 5 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 6 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 7 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 8 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 9 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 10 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 11 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 12 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 13 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 14 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 15 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 16 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 17 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 18 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 19 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 20 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 21 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 22 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 23 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 24 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 25 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 26 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 27 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Audio File 28 of 28 from MHC-CAR 2009 Workshop (cf Exh 1785) – NonRT


Hume et al, Preliminary Report on Sockeye Fry in Quesnel and Shuswap Lakes in 2003 – CAN012549


United Nations Fisheries Agreement – NonRT


Coulthard et al, Poverty, Sustainability and Human Wellbeing: A Social Wellbeing Approach to the Global Fisheries Crisis, 2011 [j.gloenvcha] – NonRT


Lower Fraser Area Fishing Times, Openings Ending Between Jan 1 2010 and Dec 31 2010 [DFO website as of Feb 14 2011], 5 pages – NonRT


Lower Fraser Area Fishing Times, Openings Ending Between Jan 1 2010 and Dec 31 2010 [DFO website as of Feb 14 2011], 21 pages – NonRT


Lower Fraser Area Fishing Times, Openings Ending Between Jan 1 2010 and Dec 31 2010 [DFO website as of Feb 14 2011] 3 pages – NonRT


Levy, BC Sockeye Salmon Population Declines: Probable Causes and Recommended Response Strategies, Feb 2006 [Sierra Club] – NonRT


Excerpt from Knight, Indians at Work – An Informal History of Native Labour in BC, 1848-1930, 1996, Preface and Chapters 1, 9, 15 – GIL000384


Excerpt from Fifty-Ninth Annual Report of the Fisheries Branch for the Year 1925-26, pages 53-4, 72-3 [Dept of Marine and Fisheries] – GIL000532


Email thread btw A Castledine, J Boland et al, ending Jan 11 2006 – CAN138086


Briefing Note for Assoc Dep Minister re Meeting with BCSFA Mon Oct 23 2003 (For Info Only), undated (2003) – CAN045208


Email thread from D Bevan to C Dansereau et al, Mar 30 2010 re Meeting with Marine Harvest Canada – CAN079458


Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat – Fisheries and Oceans Canada Report [DFO website as of Sep 13 2011] – NonRT


A Harvest Strategy Compliant with the Precautionary Approach [CSAS SAR 2006-023] – NonRT


Communications – Sustainable Fisheries Framework, Mar 9 2009 – CAN459376


Email thread ending Oct 1 2008 re National Precautionary Approach Framework – CAN103811


Strategic Review of the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP), Final Report, Mar 31 2005 [DFO website, DFO00381634] – NonRT


Questions and Answers: Science Paper – Fraser River Sockeye, Feb 10 2011 [DFO] – CAN492973


Draft Memo to the Deputy Minister re Proposed Transition Licencing Strategy and Licence Conditions Under the New Aquaculture Regulatory Regime in BC [DFO MECTS 29] – NonRT


Email thread btw A Morton, Sprout et al, ending Oct 23 2009 re Dear Mr. Sprout – CAN124326


Email thread between L Richards, A Morton et al, ending Dec 20 2010 re Egg Imports [DFO00374493] – NonRT


Email thread btw R Salmon, C Dansereau et al re Aquaculture Act – Industry Outline & Background Content, ending Aug 3 2010 – CAN384485


National Aquaculture Strategic Action Plan Initiatiave (NASAPI) 2011-2015 – West Coast Marine Finfish Sector Strategic Action Plan, Dec 16 2010 [CCFAM] – BCS003449


DFO Corporate Business Plan 2011-12 (Draft) – CAN501968


Government of Canada Communications Policy [GOC website] – NonRT


Building Excellence in Science and Technology (BEST),1999 [Council of Science and Technology Advisors] – NonRT


Science Advice for Government Effectiveness (SAGE), May 5 1999 [Council of Science and Technology Advisors] – NonRT


DFO documents re Salmon Consultations [Five documents from DFO Website] – NonRT


Letter from Wayne Wouters (Clerk, PCO) to Claire Dansereau, Sep 22 2009 – NonRT


Selected Examples of Policies Related Related to the Mgmt of Pacific Salmon and Their Habitat, May 2011 – NonRT

#1923 & 1923A

List of Treaties, Acts, Regulations, Agreements, Policies, Programs and Procedures Related to the Managment of Fish and Fish Habitat on the Pacific Coast of Canada, Oct 2010 – NonRT


Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-12, [DFO] – NonRT


Integrated Planning Best Practices in Fisheries and Oceans, May 26 2011 [DFP PowerPoint to Federal Heads of Agencies Learning Day, v3] – NonRT


Bio of Claire Dansereau – CAN185541


Curriculum Vitae of David Bevan – CAN185938


Role of the Deputy Minister Champion of Science [DFO MECTS 2445084] – NonRT


Email from L Richards to S Mithani, Jun 13 2010, with attachment: Science Pacific Region: Budget Impacts 2010-2011 – CAN448025-6


Wild Salmon Review Final Work Plan, Jul 15 2011 [Gardner Pinfold] – NonRT


Evaluation of Uncertainty in Fraser Sockeye WSP Status Using Abundance and Trends in Abundance Metrics, Aug 25 2011 version [DFO Working Paper 2010-P14; further update to Exh 184] – NonRT


Evaluation of Uncertainty in Fraser Sockeye WSP Status Using Abundance and Trends in Abundance Metrics, July 5 2011 working version [DFO; update to Exh 184] – NonRT


(Formerly For ID – P) – Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture Cmte Working Group (PFAC-WG) Meeting Notes – CAN012132


Suter et al, Treatment of Risk in Environmental Impact Assessment, 1987 [Environmental Mgmt] – NonRT


Ban et al, Cumulative Impact Mapping: Advances, Relevance and Limitations to Marine Mgmt and Conservation, using Canada’s Pacific Waters as a Case Study, 2010 [Marine Policy] – NonRT


Lackey, Is Science Biased Toward Natural? 2009 [Northwest Science] – NonRT


Quinn, The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout, Intro pages and Ch 10, Sockeye Salmon and Trout in Lakes, 2005 [excerpt incl pp 167-184] – NonRT


Selbie et al, Are Over-Escapement and Delayed Density Dependent Mortality Important Contributors to the Fraser Sockeye Situation, Apr 14-15 2011 [DFO Science Branch Fraser Sockeye Workshop, PowerPoint


Hyatt et al, ENSO Induced Harmonic Oscillations of Marine Survival (HOMS) in Southern BC Sockeye Populations: Adult Sockeye Returns “in HOMS way,” Jul 27 2010 [DFO] – CAN185979


Peterman, An Overview of the Precautionary Approach in the Fisheries and Some Suggested Extensions, 2004 [Ch 23, Proceedings from the World Summit on Salmon] – NonRT


Spanos, Akaike-type Criteria (AIC) and the Reliability of Inference: Model Selection Versus Statistical Model Specification, Jun 18 2010 [Journal of Econometrics] – NonRT


Addressing Cumulative Environmental Effects under CEAA – Operational Policy Statement, updated Nov 2007 [CEAA] – NonRT


Petrosky and Schaller, Influence of River Conditions During Seaward Migration and Ocean Conditions on Survival Rates of Snake River Chinook Salmon and Steelhead, 2010 [Ecology of Freshwater Fish] – No


Curriculum Vitae of Carl Schwarz – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Lorne Grieg – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Clint Alexander – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Liz Martell – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Darcy Pickard – NonRT


Marmorek et al, Errata Sheet for Exh 1896, Cohen Commission Technical Report 6, Sep 13 2011 – NonRT


Marmorek et al, Cohen Commission Technical Report 6 – FRSS: Data Synthesis and Cumulative Impacts, Apr 2011 – NonRT


Email from DOJ (Grande-McNeill) to Commission re Information Request of S DiFranco, with Attached Chart “Cohen Enquiries Recoveries 2006 to 2011,” Sep 9 2011 – NonRT


MacKenzie, et al, Locations of Marine Animals Revealed by Carbon Isotopes, 2011 [Scientific Reports] – NonRT


Blackbourn, Sea Surface Temperature and the Pre-Season Prediction of Return Timing in FRSS, 1987 [IPSFC] – NonRT


Welch and Parsons, d(13)C-d(15)N Values as Indicators of Trophic Position and Competitive Overlap for Pacific Salmon, 1993 [Fish. Oceanogr.] – NonRT


Province of British Columbia, Clean Energy Project Development Plan Information Requirements, July 2011 – NonRT


Integrated Land Management Bureau, Independent Power Production in BC: An Inter-agency Guidebook for Proponents – NonRT


Letter from BC Assembly of First Nations to Penner Re: Water Act Modernization, April 30 2010 – NonRT


St’at’imc Hydro Settlement Agreement Information Package, 2011 – NonRT


Letter from First Nations Leadership Council to Murray Coell, Minister of the Environment Re: Water Act Modernization, March 9 2011 – NonRT


Letter from Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of Okanagan Nation Alliance to Penner Re: Water Act Modernization, April 30 2010 – NonRT


Letter from First Nations Fisheries Council to Penner, Minister of the Environment Re: Water Act Modernization, April 30 2010 – NonRT


Submission of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs on Water Act Modernization, April 30 2010 – NonRT


BC Ministry of Environment, Dealing with Drought – A Handbook for Water Suppliers in British Columbia, June 2004 updated July 2009 – NonRT


Living Water Smart – British Columbia’s Water Plan, 2008 – NonRT


Compliance Protocol Between BC Hydro – The Department of Fisheries and Oceans – British Columbia Ministry of Environment, March 8 2006 – CAN437263


DFO Pacific Region Small Hydro-Instream Flow Working Group Terms of Reference, Nov 2010 – NonRT


Fisheries & Oceans Canada’s Small Hydro Instream Flow Risk Management Framework – NonRT


Terms of Reference for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Ministry of Environment (MOE) and BC Hydro (BCH) Fish-Hydro Management Committee, Dec 9 2004 – CAN473003


Fisheries and Oceans Canada Preliminary Comments on the Province of BC Draft Water Act Modernization Public Discussion Paper – CAN394697


DFO, Instream Flow Risk Management Framework, March 2011 – NonRT


BC Hydro, Bridge River Power Development, Water Use Plan, March 17 2011 – CCI001222


DFO Discussion Document, BC Water Act Modernization Technical Workshops – CAN394694


British Columbia’s Water Act Modernization Report on Engagement – NonRT


British Columbia’s Water Act Modernization Technical Background Report – NonRT


Office of the Auditor General of BC, An Audit of the Management of Groundwater Resources in British Columbia, Dec 2010 – BCP008137


British Columbia’s Water Act Modernization, Discussion Paper – BCP008202


British Columbia Drought Response Plan, June 2010 – BCP007951


Curruculum vitae of Paul Higgins – NonRT


Curriculum vitae of Lynn Kriwoken – NonRT


Biography of Glen Davidson – NonRT


Letter from St’at’imc Chiefs Council to Terry Lake, Minister of the Environment Re: The Water Sustainability Act, March 15 2011 – NonRT


Statement of Expectations on Reform of the BC Water Act from BC Nongovernmental Organizations, Dec 2009 – NonRT


Morris et al., Changing the Flow: A Blueprint for Federal Action on Freshwater, Gordon Water Group, Feb 2007 – NonRT


BC Auditor General, Salmon Forever: An Assessment of the Provincial Role in Sustaining Wild Salmon, 2004-2005 – BCP002115


St’at’imc (PC) Settlement Agreement, May 10 2011 – NonRT


Bradford et al., Test of an environmental flow release in a British Columbia: does more water mean more fish, 2011 – NonRT


Suzuki Foundation et al., Recommendations for Responsible Clean Electricity Development in British Columbia, Dec 17 2009 – NonRT


Letter from Antcliffe to Orr, Kokish River and DFO’s approval of diverting water from anadromous fish habitat, Aug 25 2011 – NonRT


Nowlan and Orr, Brief on BC Water Act Reform – Submission to Province of BC on Water Act Modernization, April 30 2010 – NonRT


British Columbia’s Water Act Modernization, Policy Proposal on British Columbia’s new Water Sustainability Act, Dec 2010 – BCP008205


Martins et al., Effects of river temperature and climate warming on stock-specific survival of adult migrating Fraser river sockeye salmon, Global Change Biology, 2010 – CCI001111


Stahl et al., Coupled modelling of glacier and streamflow response to future climate scenarios, Journal of Water Resources Research, vol. 44, Feb 16 2008 – CCI001113


Letter from Klassen to Shea Re: Nechako Watershed Council Report on a Water Release Facility at Kenny Dam, Dec 3 2009 – CAN096015


Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Productivity Information Chart, 2011 – NonRT


Annual Variation in Total Fraser River Sockeye Productivity, August 2011 – NonRT


Email from Heinonen RE: Nachako Monitoring Program, June 6 2006 – CAN084237


Nechako Coldwater Release Facility (CWRF) Summary of DFO Position, 2005 – CAN170790


MacDonald et. al., The Efficacy of Reservoir Flow Regulation for Moderating Migration Temperature for Sockeye Salmon in the Nechako Watershed, 2009 – CAN197989


MacDonald et. al., Examination of Factors Influencing Nechako River Discharge, Temperature, and Aquatic Habitats, 2007 – CAN002877


Cirriculum vitae of Dr. Steve MacDonald – CAN474753


Wright and Arianpoo, Technologies for Viable Salmon Aquaculture – draft, May 2010 – NonRT


Email chain Thomson, Klaver, and others re “Effluent Processors and Vessels”, June 2 2008 to June 3 2008 – CAN161300


Email chain Karreman, Sheppard and others re “Effluents and New CFIA and-or DFO regulations”, Feb 22 2010 to April 29 2010 – CAN484042


Letter from Swan to Morton, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, May 20 2011 – NonRT


Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Feasibility Study of Closed-Containment Option for British Columbia Aquaculture Industry, Sept 2010 – NonRT


Morton, Blog entitled Unwanted Trespass!!!!, Sept 5 2011 – NonRT


Morton, Blog entitled Cohen Inquiry Aquaculture Hearings, Aug 31 2011 – NonRT


Report, CAAR and LOS, Better than the rest? A resource guide to farmed salmon certifications, Apr 2011 – NonRT


Letter from CAAR to Schuessler and Minister Ashfield, re: Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standard, May 27 2011 – NonRT


Report, CAIA-DFO California trip report – CAN024009


Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, lobbying statement for CAIA filed by Ruth Salmon, Jun 23 2011 – NonRT


Aquaculture Innovation and Market Access Program 2010-11 – NonRT


Aquaculture Innovation and Market Access Program 2009-10 – NonRT


Morehouse & McLaren, The Fisheries Act and Fish & Ecosystem Health Management Activities, DRAFT Discussion Paper, Sept 21 2009 – CAN176065


Shea, Draft Memorandum to Cabinet, Partnership Fund to Pilot Closed Containment Aquaculture Technology – CAN024001


Email string Power, Porter, Riddell, Sprout, Thomson and others re “A. Morton’s comment on egg imports”, Nov 30 2009 to Dec 1 2009 – CAN100469


Email from Hargreaves to Saunders re “Latest version of Fraser sockeye work plan”, Jan 27 2010 – CAN166799


Email from Beamish to Saunders re “Harrison Sockeye”, Oct 26 2009 – CAN088657


Email string Gillis, Elliott, Saunders and others re “Qs and As for meeting with the FCC on Oct. 29”, Oct 26 2009 – CAN166746


Email string Klaver, Thomson, Hargreaves and others re “Sea lice data request for industry”, Oct 1 2009 to Oct 23 2009 – CAN088645


Email string Hargreaves, Saunders, Thomson, Sheppard and others re “Favour Lice”, Sept 30 2009 to Oct 16 2009 – CAN115632


Email string Davis, Richards, Thomson and others re “Brian Riddell article”, Aug 19 2009 – CAN139828


Palermo & Hargreaves, Detection and distribution of clusters of Sea Lice from samples of juvenile salmon and stickleback in the Broughton Archipelago, Knight Inlet, B.C. 2003-2006 using SaTScan DRAFT,


BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Memorandum, Report from Meetings with Mainstream Re: occurrence of Piscirickettisa salmonis at sites in Broughton, Jan 3 2006 – BCP002848


Email from S. Johnson to A. Tompkins et al, FW: brief summary needed related to Sx response, Nov 3 2009 – CAN088699


Email from K. Miller-Saunders to D. Lake Media lines – fish disease, Nov 16 2010 – CAN492753


Email from S. Jones to K. Miller-Saunders, Oct. 8 2008 – CAN489814


Tucker et al, Seasonal Stock-Specific Migrations of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon along the West Coast of NA: Implications for Growth – CAN143721


Email from K. Miller-Saunders to M. Saunders, Version 2, Nov 4 2009 – CAN088697


Email from K. Miller-Saunders to M. Saunders, Briefing report, Oct 5 2009 – CAN088642


Email from K. Miller-Saunders to C. Parken, Clarification Question, Oct 2 2009 – CAN220802


Paper Prepared for Cohen Commission by Kyle Garver, 2011 – CAN489960


Fisheries and Oceans, Physiological Control of Entry Timing and Fate – CAN006139


Email from Brad Thompson to Mark Higgins et al, Nadina Gill Samples, May 24 2009 – CAN085931


David Patterson and Mike Bradford, 2007 Late Run Research on Pre-Spawning Mortality – CAN171270


Memo from Pacific Biological Station to R. Stitt and D. Lofthouse, Weaver Creek Spawning Channel, PSM Loss Investigation Oct 29, 2023 Summary Report, Dec 21 2009 – CAN269763


Email from D. Patterson to K. Miller-Saunders, cultus lake sockeye salmon histology samples, Jan 31 2007 – CAN085251


Email from D. Willis to B. Leaf et al, Prespawn update: Upper Pitt (as of Aug 25), Aug 26 2008 – CAN118348


Email from T. Whitehouse to K. Benner and P. Welch, Cultus Diagnostic Update, Nov 10 2006 – CAN170058


Email from B. Riddell to A. Cass et al, Cultus Lake Prespawning Mortality 2006, Dec 8 2006 – CAN108807


Perspective on the Technical Challenges Associated with Closed System Aquaculture for Grow-out of Salmon of BC – BCS004970


Report of the Commissioner for Aquaculture Development to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada – CAN005352


Protection, Restoration and Enhancement of Salmon Habitat, Focus Area Report – NonRT


Salmon Aquaculture – Comparison of Regulations – BCS000239


Curriculum vitae of Mia Parker – BCS005648


Curriculum vitae of Clare Backman – BCS003534


Curriculum vitae of Catherine Stewart – NonRT


Curriculum vitae of Alexandra Morton – NonRT


McDaniels et al, Expert Judgments Regarding Risks Associated with Salmon Aquaculture Practices in BC – NonRT


Saksida et al, A Field Evaluation of an Indirect Immunofluorescent Antibody Test Developed to Diagnose Plasmacytoid Leukemia in Chinook Salmon – NonRT


Nendick et al, Sea lice infection of juvenile pink salmon-effects on swimming performance and postexercise ion balance, 2011 – NonRT


Saksida et al, The efficacy of emamectin benzoate against infestations of sea lice – CCI001216


Saksida et al, Evaluation of Sea Lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, abundance levels on farmed Salmon in BC – CCI001214


Saksida et al, Evaluation of sea lice abundance levels on farmed Atlantic salmon located in the Broughton Archipelago BC from 2003 to 2005 – CAN185257


Downey et al, Discovery Passage Plankton Monitoring and Juvenile Salmon Assessment 2009 – CCI001210


Beamish et al, Exceptional marine survival of pink salmon suggests that farmed Atlantic salmon and Pacific salmon can coexist successfully – CAN054244


Sea Lice Presence and Farm Production on 120 Farms in BC, Mar 2011 – BCS004671


Sea Lice Presence and Pathogenicity in the Campbell River and Sunshine Coast Salmon Farming Regions of BC, Oct. 2010 – BCS004620


Krkosek et al, Dynamics of outbreak and control of salmon lice on two salmon farms in the Broughton Archipelago, BC – CAN382419


Estimated Sea Louse Egg Production from Marine Harvest Canada Farmed Atlantic Salmon in the Broughton Archipelago, BC 2003-2004 – CAN181525


Morbidity-Mortality Effects of Sea Lice on Juvenile Salmon Workshop – NonRT


Email chain between Dr. Johnson, Dr. Saksida and others, Rebuttal for Price Paper, Mar 28 2011 – CAN496375


Letter from P. Parker to Dr. S. Saksida, Oct. 16 2006 – CAN181426


Saksida and Downey, Overview of Sea Lice Issues and Risks for Farmed and Wild Salmon in British Columbia, Jan 2008 – CAN068593


Email from Saksida to Saunders et al, Sockeye salmon health program, April 23 2010 – CAN088756


Jones,Hypothesis: sea lice, either naturally occurring or passed from fish farms, are an important contributor to the Fraser sockeye situation – CAN495489


Brooks and Stucchi, The Effects of Water Temperature, Salinity, and Currents on the Survival and Distribution of the Infective Copepodid Stage of Sea Lice: A Response to the Rebuttal of Krkosek et al


Brooks, The Effects of Water Temperature, Salinity, and Currents on the Survival and Distribution of the Infective Copepodid Stage of Sea Lice, 2005 – CAN054267


PARR Project Proposal 2010-2011 – CAN181909


Jones and Nemec, Pink Salmon Action Plan: Sea Lice on Juvenile Salmon and on Some Non-Salmonid Species in the Broughton Archipelago in 2003 – CAN292468


Beamish et al, …suggests that farmed Atlantic salmon and Pacific salmon can coexist successfully in a marine ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Canada, 2006 – CAN292469


Jones et al, The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis on salmonid and non-salmonid fishes in British Columbia, 2006 – CAN292486


Jones and Hargreaves, The Abundance and Distribution of Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Pink and Chum Salmon in Coastal BC, 2007 – CAN031432


Brooks and Jones, Perspectives on Pink Salmon and Sea Lice: Scientific Evidence Fails to Support the Extinction Hypothesis, 2008 – CAN185251


Beamish et al, A large, natural infection of sea lice on juvenile Pacific salmon in the Gulf Islands area of British Columbia, Canada, 2009 – CAN292497


Jones, Controlling salmon lice on farmed salmon and implications for wild salmon, July 10 2009 – CAN293631


Beamish et al, The Winter Infection of Sea Lice on Salmon in Farms in a Coastal Inlet in British Columbia and Possible Causes – CAN486353


Elsevier, Volume 60, Number 2, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, CBP, Genomics and Proteomics, June 2011 – CAN486272


Jones, Kim and Dawe, Experimental infections with Lepeophtheirus Salmonis (Kroyer) on threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., and juvenile Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., 2006 – CAN0542


Jones et al, The Occurrence of Lepeophtheirus Salmonis and Caligus Clemensi (Copepoda: Caligidae) on Three-spine Stickleback Gasterosteus Aculeatus in Coastal British Columbia, Nov 17 2005 – CAN054272


Jones and Prosperi-Porta, The Journal of Parasitology, The Diversity of Sea Lice (Copepoda: Caligidae) Parasitic on Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus Aculeatus) in Coastal British Columbia, Dec 31


Jones, Sea lice, either naturally occurring or passed from fish farms, are an important contributor to the Fraser sockeye situation – CAN292498


Yazawa et al, EST and Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Support a Distinct Pacific Form of Salmon Louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, June 24 2008 – CAN292495


Curriculum vitae of Sonja Saksida, BSc, DVM, MSc – BCS004663


Curriculum vitae of Michael H.H. Price, MSc – NonRT


Curriculum vitae of Dr. Craig Orr – NonRT


Curriculum vitae of Simon Richard Macrae Jones – CAN445504


Email from Julie Stewart to RObert Lamirande re PICFI and Coastwide Framework, Nov 23 2010 – CAN486705


Email from D Trager re Proposed Port Mann to Sawmill Comprehensive Fisheries Agreement, Aug 8 2011 – NonRT


Lower Fraser First Nations Fisheries Strategic Plan, draft Feb 22 2010 [DFO] – CAN405448


Letter from K McGivney to C Pennier, Sto:lo Tribal Council re Fisheries and Oceans Aboriginal Contribution Programs, 2009 – CAN052402


Aboriginal Policy and Governance Risk Profile (Final Report), Apr 5 2007 [DFO] – CAN075948


Akwe: Kon Guidelines, 2004 [Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)] – NonRT


Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, Pacific Region – Resource Managers’ Handbook, Jun 2 2003 [DFO] – CAN038242


Consultation and Accomodation and Fraser Salmon Mgmt – Special Workshop in Support of the Building the FR and Marine Approach Co-Mgmt Process, Mar 30-31 2010, draft undated – NonRT


McGivney, Fisheries Consultations with First Nations in BC, May 26 2009 [PowerPoint to WCALF] – CAN304435


PICFI Consultation Plan 2009-2010 (Final), Sep 2009 [DFO] – CAN047076


PICFI Evaluation Form for Aggregate FNS, May 5 2009 EOI Review, [dated Oct 14, 2023 – DFO] – CAN392917


Fishing for a Better Future: A First Nations Business Case for a Second Phase of PICFI, Aug 2011 [FNFC] – NonRT


Evaluation of PICFI Project 6B119, Final Report, Aug 31 2010 [DFO Evaluation Directorate] – CAN334128


Decision Note for the RDG, Pacific Region (For Decision) – Change of Fishing Area – Hul’Qumi’num Treaty Group – NonRT


Memo for the RDG Pacific, re Request for Increased Sockeye Allocation for Cowichan Tribes (Decision Sought), 2005 – CAN435666


Email thread btw K McGivney and J Johansen, re Hwiltsum-AFS Agreement for 08-09, Jun 20 2008 – NonRT


Draft Briefing Note re Access and Adjacency Issues for Salish Tribes, and Hwiltsum Assertions to Fish in the Lower Fraser, with covering email dated Jul 18 2008 – NonRT


Communcal Licence Handbook, May 1998 [DFO] – CAN000061


The Report of the BC Claims Task Force, Jun 28 1991 [First Nations BC, Govt BC, Govt Canada] – NonRT


Gladstone, Native Indians and the Fishing Industry of British Columbia, Feb 1953 – NonRT


Memo from F Dickson to B Graham re Salmon Drop-Out Rates – REMEC-PSARC, May 17 1996 [DFO] – NonRT


Emplyoment Equity Act: Annual Report 2008 – Labour Program [HRDC] – NonRT


Memorandum for the Deputy Minister re: Aboriginal Fisheries Guardian Program for the British Columbia Aquaculture Regulation Program – CAN438327


Email from Thomson to Radford FW: Meeting between yourself, SADM McClung and Mary Ellen Walling of the BCSFA, July 14 2006 – CAN161003


Email from Walling to Rundle et al Re: Sampling Program, Aug 18 2011 – NonRT


Email from Hawthorn to Thomson Re: Sampling Program, Aug 12 2011 – NonRT


Email (7:48 AM) from Taylor to Leadem Re: Public Funding of Aquaculture, Sept 1 2011 – NonRT


Email (7:41 AM) from Taylor to Leadem Re: Public Funding of Aquaculture, Sept 1 2011 – NonRT


Email (7:38 AM) from Taylor to Leadem Re: Public Funding of Aquaculture, Sept 1 2011 – NonRT


Struthers, Aquaculture innovation and market access program (AIMAP), Mar 1 2010 – CAN284022


Robbins, Backgrounder – Sustainable Aquaculture Program, Oct 3 2008 – CAN276487


Email from Rosenberger to B. Hargreaves etal, Re: URGENT – Science Budget Impacts, Jun 16 2010 – CAN161834


Email Hoyseth to Leone, etal, RE: Letter to Mainstream, Feb 25 2009 – CAN179155


Email from McNabb to Taccogna et al. Public reporting question – reports not received, June 21 2011 – CAN484503


Email from Ford to Taekema and Porter RE: Further – sorry for the bits and pieces, Sept 12 2010 – CAN488547


Email from Lewis to Higgins et al, FW: Aquaculture incidents: note Gold River MM comments protected B, Mar 1 2010 – CAN458586


Email from Hoyseth to Morton re Cecil Island , Dec 13 2010 – NonRT


Email string including Hoyseth Sept,Oct, 2008 – CAN179131


Email string including Hoyseth, Morton, July-Aug 2008 – CAN179135


Email string including Fanos, Leone and Hoyseth, May 2010 – CAN179219


Email string including Leone, Hoyseth, May 2010 – CAN179174


The Federal Role in Regulating Finfish Aquaculture in BC (Presentation) June 1 2006 – CAN057456


BC MAL and BC MOE, Regulatory Compliance of British Columbia’s Marine Finfish Aquaculture Facilities 2009 – NonRT


Email from Lewis to Carlson re Meeting with RCMP, DFO and the BC Salmon Farmers Association and Industry members, May 26 2010 – CAN291947


Email from Lewis to Robson re FW: Alexandra Morton Proposed itinerary April 23 2010 – CAN159482


Email from Lewis re FW: Grieg Seafood- Esneranza Site Feb 1 2010- CAN161866


Pacific Region C&P; Aquaculture, rev Dec 1 2009 – CAN024514


Proceedings of the National Peer-review Meeting on Aquaculture Pathways of Effects, Oct 19-23 2009 [CSAS 2010-011, DFO550201] – NonRT


Framework for Aquaculture Environment Management (FAERM) v3.0, 2008 [DFO-ATG] – CAN224895


Sample Biosecurity Letter from B Atagi [DFO C&P;] – NonRT


2011-2013 BC Aquaculture Compliance Protocol between AMD and C&P; [DFO] – CAN494125


Finfish Aquaculture Site Inspection Checklist, Draft [DFO C&P;] – CAN486215


Marine Finfish Aquaculture AEO Inspection Checklist, Draft – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Brian Atagi – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Kerra Hoyseth – NonRT


Letter from Gail Shea to the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, October 20 2010 – NonRT


Letter from Gail Shea to First Nations Summit, October 20 2010 – NonRT


Letter from Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs to Minister Gail Shea, Aug 26 2010 – NonRT


Letter from Gail SHEA to the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, July 20 2010 – NonRT


Letter from Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs to Minister Gail Shea, Jul 15 2010 – NonRT


Letter from Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs to Minister Gail Shea, March 30 2010 – NonRT


DFO Aquaculture Communications Overview, July 7 2008 – CAN031299


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2010, Jan. 1, 2010 – BCS000550


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2009, Jan. 1, 2009 – BCS000549


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2008, Jan. 1, 2008 – BCS000548


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2007, Jan. 1, 2007 – BCS000547


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2006, Jan. 1, 2006 – BCS000546


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2005, Jan. 1, 2005 – BCS000545


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2004, Jan. 1, 2004 – BCS000552


Spreadsheet, BC Salmon Farmers Association Sea Lice Module Files 2003, Jan. 1, 2003 – BCS000551


Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fish Pathogen and Pest Treatment Regulations (DRAFT) – CAN488039


Vike, Preventive Fish Health Work, Oslo, April 27, 2023 – NonRT


Email from Garver to Traxler, Jan. 28, 2009 – CAN496879


Histolopathology, Virology, Husbandry, Bacterial, Environment, etc. 2004- 2007 – BCP001643


2004 Fish Health 2 – NonRT


2004 Fish Health 1 – NonRT


Email chain between Champagne, Mills and others, April 30, 2023 – CAN288661


Email string- LaPratte, Swerdfager Feb. 25, 2010 – CAN099307


British Columbia Salmon Farmers Association, Fish Health – NonRT


Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Briefing Note for Minister, Infectious Salmon Anemia viral outbreak in Chile, Aug 1 2007 – BCP1001938


Histopathology FHAS 2006-2010, showing data sorted for Province_Dr. Marty – BCP002864


Email from Marty to Miller re FINAL �unblended� FR sockeye histopathology Results, 2011 -2111, June 27 2011 – NonRT


Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals 2009 – Chapter 2.3.5 Infectious Salmon Anaemia – NonRT


Affidavit #2 of Dr. Gary D. Marty, Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River, Affirmed April 26, 2023 – NonRT


Supplemental Appendices to the Annual Report Fish Health Program 2008 – BCP000331


2008 Annual Report Fish Health Program – BCP000330


Fish Health Program 2007 – BCP000328


Fish Health Program 2006 – BCP000329


Fish Health Program 2003 � 2005 – BCP000327


Bylaws of Ethics for the College of Veterinarians, October 2009 – NonRT


A Review of the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Land�s Fish Health Audit and Surveillance Program – NonRT


2000 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


2001 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


2004 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


2005 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


2007 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


2008 Egg Screening Records – NonRT


Aquatic Animal Health Division Canadian Food Inspection Agency Record of Decisions – NonRT


Health Management & Mortality Management Plan (HMP) Inspection – NonRT


Template for Development of Facility – Specific Fish Health Management Plans British Columbia Revised May 2006 – NonRT


Required Elements of a Fish Health Management Plan for Public and Commercial Fish Culture Facilities in British Columbia, June 2003 – CAN247762


British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture & Lands Fish Audit and Surveillance Program (FHASP) – CAN247758


Curriculum Vitae of Peter McKenzie – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Mark Sheppard – CAN486189


Curriculum Vitae of Gary Marty – BCP1001947


BC Aquaculture Licensing Approach, Special Notes – CAN486200


FNFC, First Nations Perspectives on a Management Framework for Aquaculture in BC, April 2011 – NonRT


Letter from FNFC to Swerdfager re Draft Pacific Aquaculture Regulations and BC First Nations Engagement, Aug 27 2010 – NonRT


Email from FNFC to Dansereau re Concerns Related to Pacific Aquaculture and the Need for Improved Collaboration with BC First Nations – NonRT


Letter from Sechelt Indian Band to DFO re Proposed Regulations Regarding BC Aquaculture, August 24 2010 – NonRT


Briefing Note from FNFC to BC First Nation Communities re Comments on Draft BC Aquaculture Regulations, July 12 2010 – NonRT


Urban, Aquaculture Policy and Past Inquiry Recommendations on BC First Nations Title and Rights, Jan 29 2010 – NonRT


Analysis of “Strategic Questions” posed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the Development of a Regulatory Framework for BC Aquaculture, Jan 2010 – NonRT


BC First Nations – DFO Aquaculture Management Meeting Notes, June 17 2009 – CAN008660


BC First Nations – DFO Aquaculture Management Meeting Notes, June 16 2009 – CAN016839


FN Summit Resolution 0909.07, Sept 25 2009 – NonRT


FN Summit Resolution 0909.06, Sept 25 2009 – NonRT


Fisheries Vol 34 No 10, American Fisheries Society, Oct 2009 – MTT000020


Speaking for the Salmon-Summit of Scientists on Aquaculture and the Protection of Wild Salmon – CAN037677


Aboriginal Principles for Sustainable Aquaculture – NonRT


Aquaculture Development-Economic Opportunity for BC Coastal First Nations – NonRT


A Review of First Nation Comments Re Aquaculture Regulation and NASAPI, Dec 2009 – NonRT


Affidavit of Trevor Swerdfager, Nov 5 2009 – CAN473055


Federal BC Aquaculture Regulation and Strategic Action Plan Initiative, Nov 2009 – CAN159513


BC First Nations Statement of Jurisdiction on Aquaculture, Sep 18 2009 – NonRT


BC First Nation’s Statement of Solidarity on Aquaculture, Sep 18 2009 – NonRT


DFO National Aquaculture Communications and Outreach Approach – CAN276280


Email From S. Ford To A. Thomson et al, Re: letter to MAL From BCSFA re Information Release and Further Consequences – CAN288659


From N. Fowler To S. Lindale et al, RE: US Senators and BC Fish Farms, Apr 14 2008 – CAN132426


Canadian Fish and Seafood Sustainability Briefings-Proposal – CAN019647


From A. Thomson to E. Drouin, Further Views on Transparency and Monitoring, May 19 2010 – CAN161472


Criteria for Siting New FinFish Aquaculture Facilities – BCP000022


Porter, Audit of the Management of Salmon Aquaculture for the Protection of Wild Salmon in BC, May 9 2006 – CAN040202


Transport Canada-Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, (Conville Bay) – CAN044530


Transport Canada-Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, (Dunsterville) – CAN044547


Fish Farming on and Around Vancouver Island and Coastal BC, May 2010 – CAN158125


Email From S. James ToT. Swerdfager, Aquaculture Act, Apr 19 2010 – CAN358725


Aquaculture Act for Canadian Aquaculture (or separate Chapter in Fisheries Act), Jul 2010 – CAN384486


CEAA Screening Report, Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Facility at Conception Point – CAN068409


Risk Management Framework for DFO Habitat Management Staff Version 1.0 – CAN186005


BC Pacific Salmon Forum Final Report and Recommendations, Jan 2009 – CAN024125


Guide to Information Requirments for Marine Finfish Aquaculture Applications, May 2003 – BCP000021


Letter to P. Parker from P. Sprout, Fisheries and Oceans Response, 2006 – CAN040204


Comprehensive MAL Response to BC Audit, Apr 5 2006 – NonRT


Email From G. Last to G. Porter et al, Comments on Draft Report, Feb 17 2006 – CAN288952


Letter from A. Castledine et al to P. Parker, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Response, Jul 31 2006 – NonRT


Special Legislative Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture – NonRT


Summary on Closed Containment Aquaculture Activities in BC, Dec 2010 – NonRT


Province of BC Following Actions to Meet the Intent of the Salmon Aquaculture Review�s Recommendations – NonRT


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach to Chemicals and Litter Management at Aquaculture Sites – CAN486210


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach to Managing Fish Transfer, Removal and Production in Aquaculture Facilities – CAN486208


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach on the Use of Noise – CAN486207


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach to Fish Health – CAN486204


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach to Managing Non Feed-Related Organic Deposition in Aquaculture – CAN486203


Program for Aquaculture Regulatory Research Directed Call for Proposals (2010-2011) – CAN181860


Program for Aquaculture Regulatory Research Call for Proposals (2009-2010) – CAN060528


Use of In-Feed Sea Lice Therapeutants in BC (1996-2010) – CAN489193


DFO Management of Sea Lice in BC – CAN489190


DFO Policy on the Access to Wild Aquatic Resources as it Applies to Aquaculture – CAN486209


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Integrated Management of Aquaculture Plans Guidance – CAN486205


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Approach to Managing Feed-Related Organic Deposition in Aquaculture – CAN486202


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Ecosystem-Based Approach to Aquaculture Management – CAN486201


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Regime Identification and Management of Environmental Impacts, Jun 29 2011 – CAN486199


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Regime Aquculture Licensing Approach, Jun 29 2011 – CAN486198


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Regime Public Reporting of Regulatory Information, Jun 29 2011 – CAN486197


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Regime – A Sustainable Aquaculture Fisheries Framework, Jun 29 2011 – CAN489682


DFO Website – Public Reporting on Aquaculture in the Pacific Region Web Page – NonRT


Dear Directors Aquaculture Committee Colleagues, Aug 16 2011 – DFO550216


Licensing Decisions for BC Aquaculture During the Cohen Commission, Jul 27 2011 – DFO550192


Finfish Aquaculture Licence 2010 Under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations – CAN334155


Licence to conduct Salmonid Enhancement Activities – DFO550217


Freshwater Aquaculture Licence 2010 – DFO550228


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Program Policy Discussion, May 4 2011 – CAN486211


Aquaculture Regulatory Regime Public Reporting, July 10 2011 – NonRT


Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Application Form – NonRT


BC Aquaculture Regulatory Program Licensing Approach, Jun 17 2011 – CAN486212


Curriculum Vitae of Ian Fleming – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Gavin Last – NonRT


Aquaculture Operations – Proposed Organizational Chart – CAN489239


DFO Organizational Chart – Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, Jun 2011 – CAN486164


Program Policy – Aquaculture Management Directorate – NonRT


DFO Organizational Chart – CAN486161


Pacific Aquaculture Regulatory Program – CAN486216


Pacific Aquaculture Regulatory Program Organizational Chart – CAN489000


Curriculum Vitae of Andrew Landsborough Thomson – CAN315310


Curriculum Vitae of Trevor Swerdfager – CAN295292


Handwritten Notes of Lawrence Dill, Apr 20, 2023 – NonRT


Pacific Aquaculture Regulations: Approach on the Use of Light, undated – NonRT


Marmorek et al, Addendum, Technical Report 6: Implications of Technical Reports on Salmon Farms and Hatchery Diseases for Technical Report 6 (Data Synthesis & Cumulative Impacts), Jul 29 2011 – NonRT


Penston et al, Densities of Planktonic Leps Before and After an Atlantic Salmon Farm Relocation, Apr 15 2011 [Aquacult Environ Interact] – NonRT


Nylund et al, Mechanisms for Transmission of Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), Jul 28 1994 [Dis aquat Org] – CCI000733


Barker et al, Preliminary Studies on the Isolation of Bacteria from Sea Lice Infecting Farmed Salmon in BC, Canada, Jun 30 2009 [Parasitol Res] – CAN185240


Costello, How Sea Lice from Salmon Farms May Cause Wild Salmonid Declines in Europe and NA and Be a Threat to Fishes Elsewhere, Jul 8 2009 [Proceedings of RSBS] – CAN181740


Connors et al, Predation Intensifies Parasite Exposure in a Salmonid Food Chain, 2010 [Journal of Applied Ecology] – NonRT


Memo from D Noakes to J Davis et al, re DFO Fish Health Submission to EA Review, Dec 11 1996 – AQU000180


Email from G Marty to K Miller-Saunders, re Final Unblinded FR Sockeye Histopathology Results 2011-2111 – NonRT


International Response to Infectious Salmon Anemia: Prevention, Control and Eradication, pp 26-30 – NonRT


Fish Health Protection Regulations Manual of Compliance, rev 2004 [DFO Misc Special Publication 31 (Revised)] – NonRT


Provincial Codes for Disease, Farms Names, Histology – BCP001645


Supplemental Appendices to Province of BC Annual Report Fish Health Program, 2009 [Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Animal Health Branch – Fish Health] – BCP000334


Map of Salmon Farms and Migration Routes, Jun 2009 [Living Oceans Society] – NonRT


Fish Farm Population Data [Excel] – CCI001187


Hammell et al, Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue – Working Group Report on Salmon Disease, Draft Mar 3 2009 – NonRT


Province of BC Annual Report Fish Health Program, 2009 [Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Animal Health Branch – Fish Health] – BCP000332


Johnson et al, Disease Induced by the Sea Louse in Wild Sockeye Salmon stocks of Alberni Inlet, BC, 1996 [Can J Fish Aquat Sci] – CAN185242


Johnson et al, Comparative Susceptibility and Histopathology of the Response of Native Atlantic, Chinook and Coho Salmon to Experimental Infection with Leps, Dec 15 1992 [Dis aquat Org] – CCI000539


Morton et al, Sea Lice Dispersion and Salmon Survival in Relation to Salmon Farm Activity in the Broughton Archipelago, Oct 2011 [ICES Journal of Marine Science] – BCP1001943


Krkosek et al, Effects of Parasites from Salmon Farms on Productivity of Wild Salmon, 2010 [PNAS] – NonRT


Marty et al, Relationship of Farm Salmon, Sea Lice and Wild Salmon Populations, 2010 [PNAS] – BCS003385


Connors et al, Coho Salmon Productivity in Relation to Salmon Lice from Infected Prey and Salmon Farms, 2010 [Journal of Applied Ecology] – NonRT


Morton et al, Sea Louse Infestation in Wild Juvenile Salmon and Pacific Herring assoc’d with Fish farms off the East-Central Coast of Vancouver Island BC, Mar 31 2008 [NAJFM] – CAN142724


Table Showing Correlation between BC Human Population and Farm Fish Production, 1985-2008 – NonRT


Hoenig and Heisey, The Abuse of Power-The Pervasive Fallacy of Power Calculations for Data Analysis, Feb 2001 [American Statistician] – NonRT


Atlantic Salmon Escape Data – CAN285273


List of Province of British Columbia Databases Provided to Dr. Korman (Excel) – NonRT


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002646


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002647


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002648


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002649


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002650


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002651


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002652


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002653


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002654


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002655


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002656


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002657


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002658


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002659


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002660


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002661


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002662


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002663


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002664


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002665


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002666


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002667


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002668


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002669


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002670


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002671


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002672


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002673


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002674


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002675


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002676


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002677


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002678


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002679


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002680


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002681


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002682


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002683


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002684


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002685


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002686


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002687


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002688


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002689


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002690


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002691


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002692


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002693


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002694


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002695


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002696


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002697


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002698


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002699


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002700


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002701


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002702


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002703


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002704


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002705


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002706


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002707


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002708


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002709


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002710


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002711


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002712


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002713


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002714


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002715


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002716


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002717


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002718


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002719


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002720


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002721


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002722


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002723


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002724


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002725


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002726


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002727


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002728


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002729


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002730


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002731


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002732


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002733


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002734


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002735


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002736


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002737


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002738


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002739


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002740


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002741


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002742


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002743


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002744


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002745


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002746


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002747


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002748


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002749


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002750


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002751


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002752


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002753


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002754


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002755


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002756


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002757


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002758


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002759


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002760


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002761


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002762


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002763


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002764


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002765


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002766


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002767


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002768


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002769


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002770


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002771


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002772


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002773


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002774


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002775


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002776


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002777


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002778


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002779


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002780


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002781


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002782


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002783


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002784


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002785


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002786


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002787


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002788


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002789


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002790


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002791


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002792


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002793


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002794


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002795


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002796


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002797


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002798


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002799


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002800


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002801


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002802


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002803


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002804


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002805


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002806


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002807


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002808


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002809


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002810


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002811


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002812


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002813


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002814


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002815


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002816


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002817


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002818


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002819


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002820


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002821


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002822


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002823


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002824


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002825


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002826


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002827


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002828


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002829


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002830


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002831


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002832


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002833


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002834


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002835


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002836


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002837


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002838


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002839


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002840


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002841


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002842


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002843


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002844


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002845


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002846


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002847


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002848


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002849


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002850


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002851


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002852


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002855


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002856


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002857


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002858


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002859


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002860


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002861


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002862


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002864


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002865


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002866


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002867


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002868


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002871


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002872


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002873


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002874


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002875


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002876


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002877


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002878


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002879


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002880


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002881


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002882


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002883


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002884


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002885


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002886


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002887


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002888


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002889


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002890


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002891


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002893


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002894


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002896


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002897


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002898


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002899


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002900


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002903


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002904


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002905


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002906


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002907


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002908


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002909


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002910


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002911


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002912


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002913


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002914


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002915


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002916


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002917


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002918


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002919


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002920


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002921


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002922


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002923


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002924


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002925


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002926


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002927


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002928


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002929


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002930


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002931


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002932


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002933


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002934


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002935


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002936


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002937


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002938


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002939


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002940


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002941


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002942


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002943


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002944


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002945


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002946


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002947


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002948


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002949


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002950


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002951


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002952


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002953


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002954


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002955


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002956


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002957


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002958


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002959


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002960


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002961


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002962


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002963


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002964


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002965


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002966


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002967


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002968


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002969


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002970


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002971


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002972


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002973


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002974


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002975


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002976


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002977


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002978


BC Fish Health Database – BCP002979


List of BCSFA Databases Provided to Dr. Korman (Word) – NonRT


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000001


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000281


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000282


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000283


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000284


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000285


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000286


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000287


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000288


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000289


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000290


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000391


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000393


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000397


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000412


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000426


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000432


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000440


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000448


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000481


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000492


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000502


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000530


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000539


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000540


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000541


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000542


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000544


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000545


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000546


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000547


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000548


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000549


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000550


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000551


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS000552


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS002316


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS002319


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS002323


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS002327


BCSFA Fish Health Database – BCS002330


Atlantic Salmon Stomach Contents (Excel) – NonRT


(formerly VV) – Connors, Errata for Exh 1545, Technical Report 5B , undated – NonRT


(formerly UU) – Connors, Cohen Commission Technical Report 5B, Examination of Relationships btw Salmon Aquaculture and Sockeye Salmon Population Dynamics, Jun 2011 – NonRT


(formerly TT) – Korman, Spreadsheet Prepared for use with Technical Report 5A [Excel] – CCI001182


(formerly SS) – Korman, Cohen Commission Technical Report 5A, Summary of Info for Evaluating Impacts of Salmon Farms on Survival of FRSS, May 2011 – NonRT


Connors, Response to Noakes’ Criticisms of Connor’s Statistical Analysis, Jul 27 2011 – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Brendan Connors – NonRT


Cohen Commission Technical Report 5D – Dill, Impacts of Salmon Farms on FRSS: Results of the Dill Investigation, June 2011 – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Lawrence Dill (abbreviated) – NonRT


Noakes, Response to B Connors, Aug 10 2011 – NonRT


Corrections to Exh 1536 (Technical Report 5C), Email from D Noakes to Commission Staff, Aug 17 2011 – NonRT


Cohen Commission Technical Report 5C – Noakes, Impacts of Salmon Farms on FRSS: Results of the Noakes Investigation, June 2011 – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Donald Noakes – NonRT


Curriculum Vitae of Josh Korman – NonRT


Email From L Richards to K Miller-Saunders, Media requests – science paper – DFO590226


Email From K Miller Saunders, To G Marty, Final unbinded FR sockeye histopathology results, Jun 27 2011 – DFO598952


Indications of a Possibility of Infectious Diseases Associated With Poor Survival of Southern BC Salmon Stocks – DFO598977


Discovery Islands Modelling Progress Report – CAN490044


Risks of IHNV dispersion associated with aquaculture – CAN489737


Email From K Miller-Saunders To K Garver, Nov 12 2008 – CAN489959


Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) – DFO550188


Email From J Stewart To K Garver Mar 14 2011 – CAN491470


Email From K Miller-Saunders To M Saunders, Oct 8 2009 – CAN088642


Miller, Epidemic of a Novel, Cancer Causing Viral Disease, Sep 27 2009 – DFO598981


Miller, Epidemic of a Novel, Cancer-causing Viral Disease, Oct 7 2009 – CAN006145