Submission 0495-SHAFER

Submitter: Howard Shafer

Community: Coquitlam

Date Submitted: April 5, 2023

If more hatcheries were built there would be more wild salmon. To fund additional hatcheries, commercial fishing boats and recreational fishers should pay a ‘hatchery tax.’ Fishermen would recoup these payments from the larger catches resulting from the hatcheries.

I have a suggestion I would like to call Salmon Ranching.
It seem to me if more hacheries whhere built there would be more wild salmon. So the question is how to pay for the Hatcheries.
If all Fishing boats in the area where the hatchery is are require to provide a catch share to the hatchery that would cover the cost. Call it a hatchery tax on wild salmon.
Have it also be pat of the recreational licensing for each area. Then the hatcheries become a businessand are self supporting. As the salmon stocks grow so do the income for the fishermen and the hatcheries.

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Name: Brian McKinlay

Date Created: May 25, 2023

You quoted “efficiently produce fish protein”, but you are denying the fact that wild salmon are the only efficient way to produce fish protein. Here’s the reality of farmed salmon: a huge carbon footprint to harvest the little fishes from the ocean, process it, ship it etc. and the other truth is this- it takes over 2kg of wild fish to produce 1 kg of farmed salmon. This is NOT efficient. The world now has a net loss of protein due to the manufacturing of farmed salmon.
Truth and science and numbers don’t lie but salmon farmers do.

Name: Henry Judd

Date Created: April 12, 2023


May sound easy, but there is already 6 billion + ranched salmon released into the ocean each year to outcompete wild salmon.

All it does is put a band-aid on the real issue of protecting habitat and tightly regulating fishing on all sides of the borders.

From an ecological stand point, and to efficiently produce fish protein, it makes more sense to hold fish captive (farming) than to release them into the wild.

Henry J.