Submission 1120-DUCHENE

Submitter: Gael Duchene

Community: Tofino

Date Submitted: December 14, 2023

The hearings on ISAv should be live streamed.

Dear Justice Cohen,

I am writing to you from London, Ontario in hopes that a decision will still be made to live-stream the proceeding of the Cohen Commission Dec, 15, 16 and 19. ( I usually reside in BC but am presently in Ontario.)

In the last couple of years I have spent hundreds of hours reading scientific studies and reports and learning about BC’s wild salmon. In the last year I have followed the Cohen Commission carefully from it’s beginning.
Because I have become so interested and fairly knowledgeable in wild and farmed salmon and the issues, I really want to hear the details – I would rather hear from the witnesses themselves then rely on media to report the whole story.

This veil of secrecy that surrounds the aquaculture industry & D.F.O. is creating a very bad undercurrent of mistrust in the average citizen. At this point in time, all over the country, even all over the world, people are feeling very fed up with the lack of transparency. Everyone wants accountability and truth! After having had live-streaming, to suddenly not have it when talking about ISA, will only feed this undercurrent of mistrust, and suspicions of government/industry cover-ups.

Thank you for investigating further into the news about ISA and adding three more days to this long process. It renews my faith that there may be someone in an influential position who has wild salmon best interest at heart.

Gael Duchene

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