Viewasubmission Sub 1044

Submission 1044-CLARKE

Submitter: Christopher Clarke

Community: Calgary

Date Submitted: December 13, 2023


The hearings on ISAv should be live streamed.


I applaud the efforts to implement the Cohen Commission and hope that it is not another bureaucratic white wash. The potential damage to the salmon stocks off the west coast as a result of downplaying the effects of the ISA virus is far too great to ignore.

Enough damage has already been in evidence as a result of fish farming. My own personal catches from the Skeena River system have manifest increasing numbers of sea lice over the past 30 years.

I am led to understand that live streaming of the inquiry may not be allowed. Surely in this age of modern technology it would be a service to the public to permit such distribution of the activities of the Commission.

While I am not a resident of British Columbia I have a serious interest in the quality of the fishery and it would be of great service to the Canadian citizens if the proceedings could be tapped into live.

No one should be afraid of revealing the truth and the facts, pro and con.

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