It is very important for Alexandra Morton’s report be included in for consideration as part of the information feeding into the recommendations in the final report of the Commission. Alexandra Morton’s report need to be made public as well.
It is also very important that Dr. Miller be allocated sufficient resources to complete her research on diseases that could be a major factor in the collapse of the 2009 Fraser Sockeye runs. Other factors will likely play a role, but completing her research would most be worthwhile to determine whether fish farms pass on a virus that weaken the immune system of juvenile sockeye that have to pass through the narrow straights on the coast between Vancouver Island and the mainland. There is sufficient evidence that fish farms create pollution with effluent from farmed fish, as well those fish farms create an amplification of sea lice harmful to wild salmon stocks. At the very least, farms need to be removed from the narrow channels where juvenile salmon must pass as they move out into the ocean.
Thanks for your consideration.
Eddie Gardner
Skwah First Nation