Submission 0632-CRAMPTON

Submitter: Erin Crampton

Community: Winnipeg

Date Submitted: August 29, 2023

What is this inquiry doing for our Canadian waters and fish stocks?

The very term “inquiry” suggests that your government has made a thoughtful move to research, poke prod and get to the bottom of what is causing health problems in BC’s wild salmon populations.
Dr. Kristi Miller (DFO Scientist) is not being allowed to speak.
Research is not being submitted for public scrutiny.
Fish farms are not releasing samples for testing until after the inquiry.

Inquiring minds want to know.

What is this INQUIRY doing for OUR Canadian waters and fish stocks.

We have a right to know all information.
The inquiry is part of MY government.
You are MY public servant.
It’s time to start serving the public good.

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