Submission 0608-TRAYNOR

Submitter: Jim Traynor

Community: Lillooet

Date Submitted: August 16, 2023

The Province should create a Wild Salmon Watershed Reserve with an on-going commission to regulate development there that affects wild fish.

A Public Submission to The Cohen Commission. A Wild Salmon Watershed Reserve. Would the Cohen Commission please consider recommending that the Province of B.C. create a Wild Salmon Watershed Reserve covering all the wild salmon rivers in B.C. with an ongoing commission to regulate development therein that affects the wild fish, because the threats to the wild fish habitat will likely continue to come from many sectors – logging of riparian zones on private property, hydrofracking for gas, dumping of mine tailings, gravel pit operations, hydroelectric development, uncontained aquaculture, motorized recreation, for examples. In this way, with fish stocks reported to be in decline worldwide, the Province of B.C. could show leadership by acting in the interests of salmon stock management for sustainability.

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