Dear Commissioners,
I am opposed to open net and closed containment fish farms because they are essentially concentrated animal feeding operations which produce massive amounts of excrement sewage which pollutes surrounding environments and upsets delicate ecosystems. Chemicals such as parasiticides used on farmed fish also risk contaminating surrounding ecosystems.
Mounting evidence is pointing to open net fish farms as the cause for the decline in the number of wild salmon on the west coast. Many people suspect either a virus or lice infestations from farmed salmon are finding their way to wild salmon stocks, leading to their decline.
I eat healthy seafood EVERY DAY. I refuse to purchase or eat farmed salmon now or in the future. I refuse to allow fish farm operators to jeopardize an important source of food for myself, my family and millions of others in this province.
The west coast salmon fishery is too precious to risk for the sake of the profits of a few fish farming companies.
Thank you for your consideration.
Paul R. Craik