Submission 0378-OSBORNE

Submitter: Chelsey Osborne

Community: Port Alberni

Date Submitted: December 1, 2023

Non-governmental scientific research proves that fish farms on the migratory routes of wild salmon play a role in the dramatic decrease of salmon returns. The practice of fish farming, which spreads diseases to wild salmon, must be moved to land or stopped completely.

It is unmistakably proven in the non-governmental scientific research that fish farming on the migratory routes of wild salmon plays a significant role in the dramatic decrease of salmon homecoming. Either these farms need to be moved to land, or desist completely, if we can in fact, sustain the salmon long enough. For fish farmers to share there diseased habitat with our wild salmon is appalling and should be resolved with a sense of urgency and extreme care, before it’s too late. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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