Submitter: Lana Simon
Community: North Vancouver
Date Submitted: October 25, 2023
Fish farming is concerning as it may lead to the eventual loss of wild salmon. The commission should order the full disclosure of disease information so the public can learn if salmon farmers are responsible for the decline. The Commissioner has the opportunity to be the pivotal force that allows wild salmon to remain healthy for generations.
Dear Justice Cohen:
Although I strongly support Alexandra Morton’s “Salmon are sacred” campaign I am unable to meet the canoes and walk to the Commission venue because of other committments. I am with her in spirit, though, and admire and support her efforts.
As a BC resident, born right here at the Vancouver General Hospital in the 1940’s, I am very concerned with the implementation of farmed fish businesses. I DO NOT support fish farms and truly believe that eventually our wild salmon and other fish will be diseased and lost to us.
I therefore respectfully ask you to order full disease disclosure from the salmon farmers so we can learn if our wild salmon are dying of farm diseases. If they don’t have anything to hide the fish farms should welcome this disclosure. YOU, Justice Cohen, could be the pivotol force that allows our wonderful natural resource to continue in a healthy way for generations. I am so hopeful that you will order a complete disclosure to be open and transparent. And I thank you for your time and hard work . .