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Submission 0207-CROZIER

Submitter: Nancy Crozier

Community: Gabriola

Date Submitted: September 18, 2023


First Nations people should be accorded stewardship of the Fraser River sockeye run. They should be provided with the mandate and funding to preserve Fraser sockeye from overfishing, pollution and human development.


Dear Leo Perra, & Judge Cohen,

I would like to make the suggestion that the First Nations people be accorded Stewardship of the Fraser River Sockeye Salmon run and that they have the mandate given to them to preserve and protect the salmon runs from industrial over-fishing , pollution by industry and communities, over-development of human settlements in fragile ecosystems, and monitoring of fish stocks in all the stages of development. And give them funding and legislation to support this endeavor, and to run this program and that expert scientific consultation be upheld and not ignored in the face of profit and greed.

This would have been the job of the Ministry of Fisheries but they seem to have made a botch of their job.

The salmon are a wonder of nature and a treasure we share in protecting and nurturing.

Let’s get a responsible and historically invested group like our First Nations to steward this resource. They had centuries of doing this before white men came to “develop Canada’s natural resources”.

Listen to the environmental scientists and the First Nations – Don’t ignore this vital information at our expense.

Thank you

Nancy Crozier

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