View Submissions

Summaries of submissions received by the commission are listed below. Click on the name of a submission to read it in its entirety. The number attached to each submission is used for internal tracking purposes and does not reflect the number of submissions received to that point.

The commission accepts submissions in both English and French, and submissions are displayed below in their original language. Submission summaries, however, are available in both English and French.

A ‘comments’ feature has been enabled to allow readers to respond to submissions. The comments feature is moderated by commission staff, and only relevant and respectful comments will be approved. Comments should also be concise (no more than one page in length). Readers wishing to leave a lengthy comment are encouraged to submit their thoughts as a submission, instead.

The summaries, submissions and comments displayed below and on subsequent pages do not necessarily represent the views of the Commissioner.



Submission List

To read a submission in full, click a submitter’s name/number.


Submitter: D. Drumm

Community: Binbrook

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: I applaud the decision to make public the scientific data that suggests a link between wild salmon mortality and disease from farmed fish.


Submitter: Joan McConnell

Community: Saltspring Island

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Err on the side of caution. Fish farms should await further research to prove they do no harm.


Submitter: Nancy Westwood

Community: Parksville

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Fish farms, like any other industrial farm, need to contain and treat effluent. Those who covered up evidence of a virus need to be reprimanded in serious ways.


Submitter: Albert A. Gustaveson

Community: Marcell

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Factory salmon farms are killing BC’s native salmon.


Submitter: Saul Arbess

Community: Victoria

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: The commission should recommend that the BC government remove all salmon farms from sockeye migration routes.


Submitter: Pacific Smoked Salmon ltd

Community: Courtenay

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Farmed Atlantic salmon must be taken out of the Pacific Ocean.


Submitter: lorna denning

Community: victoria,b.c.

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Remove fish farms from BC coastal waters.


Submitter: Hans Terlingen, MD

Community: Tofino

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: There is cause for charges of conspiracy in the organization that is supposed to protect all fish.


Submitter: Charlotte Inman

Community: Abbotsford

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: All fish farms must be removed from our coastal waters.


Submitter: Shannon Dovey

Community: Sidney

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Get fish farms out of our oceans now.


Submitter: lyle koenders

Community: alert bay

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Save wild salmon from fish farm diseases and pollution.


Submitter: Marianne Ketchen

Community: North Vancouver

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Stop knowingly killing the ocean floor.


Submitter: Rick Ulmer

Community: Salmon Arm

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: The small benefits of the fish farm industry to BC cannot be compared to the magnitude of the benefits of Fraser River sockeye.


Submitter: Stephen Garnett

Community: Cowichan Bay

Date Submitted: Aug 30, 2023

Summary: Close the fish farms before it is too late.


Submitter: Mark Ethier

Community: Burnaby

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Fish farms have caused the “disappearance” of wild salmon and should not be allowed to continue to operate in open water.


Submitter: Frances Riley

Community: Prince Rupert

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: The commission should consider all the biological evidence from the fish farm disease database.


Submitter: Elizabeth Borek

Community: Victoria

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Fish farms are the source of disease killing wild salmon and must be removed at no cost to BC taxpayers.


Submitter: Barry Magrill

Community: Richmond

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Get rid of farmed salmon.



Community: COQUITLAM

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: Don’t eat farmed salmon.


Submitter: Gordon Wadley

Community: Smithers

Date Submitted: Aug 29, 2023

Summary: The Commissioner must sanction those responsible for harming wild salmon stocks.
