Viewasubmission Sub 941

Submission 0941-SCHRODER

Submitter: Jill Schroder

Community: Vancouver

Date Submitted: December 12, 2023


The commission should hold DFO accountable for its mandate to protect wild salmon. Fish farms must be removed from migratory routes of salmon and moved onto land.


I would like to express my great concern about the ISA situation in BC salmon. ISA is critical factor in the health of our wild salmon stocks.

I am heartened that the Commission is reopening its doors to try to get to the bottom of this matter, and I urge that you make the DFO accountable for upholding its mandate to preserve and protect our wild salmon.

We must have independent testing, of both wild and farmed fish, and openly investigate the situation.

Further, the precautionary principle means, in my estimation, that we must get salmon feedlots off migratory salmon routes immediately, and ultimately out our oceans altogether and on land, where they cannot kill off our immensely important wild salmon.


Jill Schroder

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Comment List

Name: Bob Waters

Date Created: December 16, 2023


Why are the DFO trying to hide infor mation about ISA? And are protecting fishfarms over wild salmon how much are the fishfarms paying DFO to keep quiet?

As soon as the cod fishery was gone the oilrigs moved in. What have they got planned for the BC coast?

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