Submission 0911-MARTIN

Submitter: Donna Martin

Community: Salt Spring Island

Date Submitted: November 28, 2023

It is apparent that the ISA virus been introduced into BC waters by the salmon farming industry and DFO is trying to cover it up. Listen to Alexandra Morton.


I am appalled that the very agency that is entrusted to protect our wild salmon and other marine resources is risking the health of the wild salmon and the wildlife that depend on it as their main food source by protecting the salmon farming industry and subsequently underfunding Kristi Miller’s research.

Now with Minister Ashford refuting the testing done by the lab at UPEI in Charlottetown it is apparent that not only has the ISA virus been introduced into BC waters by the salmon farming industry but DFO is trying to cover it up.

DFO should observe the precautionary principle, that is their job.

I am very concerned that the Cohen Commission has not given Dr. Alexandra Morton an opportunity to present her findings.

Wild salmon are the life blood of our coast, they feed us, our wildlife and our forests and provide far more employment than the salmon farming industry. Please do what you can to protect this precious resource, this is your job.


Donna Martin

Salt Spring Island, BC

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