Submission 0078-HENDERSON

Submitter: John Henderson

Community: Salmon Arm

Date Submitted: June 18, 2023

The commission should acknowledge the connection between sea lice from fish farms and the death of many salmon smolts and recommend that salmon not be farmed in open net pens in the ocean.

I enjoy seeing the Adams River Salmon Run every 4 years and I fish for salmon at least once a year. I have seen places in Ireland where there no longer are wild salmon because they have been destroyed by fish farms in the bays of western Ireland.
I hope your commission will acknowledge the conection between sea lice from fish farms and the death of many salmon smolts and will recommend that salmon should not be farmed in open net pens in the ocean. Then, maybe the Adams River Salmon Run and the Fraser River Sockeye runs will be saved. Wild salmon are an important resource which must be protected.
Good luck
John Henderson

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Name: Eric Becherer

Date Created: June 22, 2023

This is the result of 2 years of sea louse field surveys of wild juvenile pink and chum salmon, as well as wild sockeye salmon O. nerka and larval Pacific herring Clupea pallasii, in another salmon farming region, the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia. It was published by Alexandra Morton in 2008.
“Sea louse abundance on sockeye salmon… sample sizes were too low to support formal statistical analysis”
I am unsure if this means the sockeye don’t go where she says they go, or not enough of them were infected to warrant study. Full text at