Submission 0655-BUCHOLTZ

Submitter: stuart bucholtz

Community: langley

Date Submitted: August 30, 2023

Please rise above politics and stop fish farms from locating in the migratory pathways of our oceans.

ve great interdependance on their health.

You have at this inquiry,an opportunity to rise above the politics and short term profit taking mindsets that underlie farm fish and really make a longstanding difference to a fundamental tenet of wilderness preservation-something that is very dear to most residents of B.C.

It is widely known to visitors from around the world the marvellous natural wonders that abound here-that sadly many Canadians and British Columbians take for granted- that our natural living resources deserve protection. We are a country that can dedicate the resources to have our wild stocks protected and can also allow fish farms to co-exist on land safely,without endangering our waters and the web of life dependant on their cleanliness.

Please hear our appeal to save our salmon and their habitat for many generations to come-as is normal course for the original peoples who have dwelt here for thousands of years prior to the arrival of us immigrants from afar,who have done so much pillage and damage to the wonders of B.C. in only 150 years.
Please rise above politics and do for your descendants and all of ours, the correct thing-preservation of wild fish by stopping fish farms from locating in the migratory pathways of our oceans and removing those that are there asap.

The lack of transparency from the various interests associated with fish farming are clearly known.
You can make a positive difference for the future.Please maintain your courage to do so.
Thank you

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