Submission 0281-TYLER

Submitter: Tim Tyler

Community: Coquitlam

Date Submitted: October 14, 2023

(The attached document was provided to the commission at the Chilliwack public forum as part of the submission by Tim Tyler.)

The attached submission addresses salmon enhancement efforts on Coquitlam River, DFO management, and private prosecutions under the Fisheries Act. It calls on the Commissioner to recommend that the enforcement and prosecution arm of DFO be separated from the rest of the organization and that it be given a budget through an arbitrary allotment that would insulate it from political interference. The submission also calls on the Commissioner to recommend that private prosecutions under the Fisheries Act be encouraged and that a legislative formula be developed to prevent government from arbitrarily staying or assuming such prosecutions.

This submission was presented at the Chilliwack public forum on September 29, 2010.

Submission Files:

File 1:

100929 – Tyler Presentation.pdf

Comment List

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