Viewasubmission Sub 235

Submission 0235-COONS

Submitter: Gary Coons

Community: Prince Rupert

Date Submitted: September 29, 2023


(The attached document was provided to the commission at the Prince Rupert public forum as part of the submission by Gary Coons, MLA, North Coast.)

The large difference between the 2009 and 2010 Fraser sockeye returns illustrates the need for a strategic provincial plan to ensure the sustainability of coastal communities. The commission should consider mismanagement, excessive centralization and a lack of sufficient baseline research in its investigation of DFO. Further research is necessary to address critical knowledge gaps around Fraser sockeye. DFO should move away from the fixed escapement policy and should consider the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s salmon management model.


This submission was presented at the Prince Rupert public forum on September 1, 2010.

Submission Files:

File 1:

Coons Presentation.pdf

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