Submitter: laura finch
Community: Mill Bay
Date Submitted: July 25, 2023
Open pen fish farms must be removed from the waters of B.C. They must be moved to land, and their agricultural and environmental practices must be held up to independent scrutiny. Documented scientific research proves that open fish farms on migratory routes are responsible for the massive decline of salmon fry.
Openpenfishfarms must be removed from the waters of BC. If they are here to stay, they must be on land, and their agricultural , environmental practices must be help up to high srutiny: Independently. Documented scientific research proves the openfish farms on migratory routes of salmon, are responsible for the massive decline of salmon fry. I urge you to look at the long history of Gordon Campbell and the Liberal Government abusive treatment of our waters and of our salmon. I welcome this Commission as an opportunity to reclaim our democracy and equally important, to claim our biodemocracy, in BC and across Canada.
We are all one and we need to act like it.