Submission 0131-SEAMAN

Submitter: Ben Seaman

Community: Victoria

Date Submitted: July 23, 2023

Open-net pen farms must be removed from B.C. waters immediately. Data shows the negative effects salmon farms have on wild stocks and the marine ecosystem. Transitioning open net-pens to land-based or bag systems will preserve jobs and protect wild salmon.

We must remove the open-net pen farms from BC waters immediately. There are a tremendous number of people who want them transitioned to closed containment, and only a handful of corporations who want to keep ‘business as usual’. Many, many people believe that some of our politicians are corrupt, because who in their right mind would allow these farms to expand to their current state? There is no shortage of data on the negative effects salmon farms have on our wild stocks and the marine ecosystem. Transitioning these pens to land-based, or bag-system, will preserve the jobs, and protect our wild salmon. Please let it be known that the people of BC care about wild salmon, and want open-net pens removed.

Submission Files:

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