Viewasubmission Sub 293

Submission 0293-SANDERS

Submitter: Gillian Sanders

Community: Kaslo

Date Submitted: October 17, 2023


The commission should investigate the disease records of fish farms near the mouth of the Fraser River to determine if there is a correlation between disease outbreaks and the decline of wild stocks.



Please look at the fact that the Norwegian companies who farm fish in BC waters have not disclosed evidence of disease that their open-water pens are spreading to wild stocks. They need to be inspected and have their successes and failures be judged by the people of BC who rely on the Fraser sockeye. Each run of fish has different ecological conditions present; why was 2009 so much less than 2010? I ask you to look at the disease records of farms near the mouth of the Fraser and see if there is corelation to disease outbreaks and effects on wild stocks.

Thank you,

Gillian Sanders

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