Viewasubmission Sub 234

Submission 0234-PHILLIPS

Submitter: Jerry Phillips

Community: Qualicum Beach

Date Submitted: September 29, 2023


DFO does not have sufficient local staff. It makes decisions for political and commercial reasons, rather than for scientific ones.


You can not run a Federal Fishery where all the decisions are made by a couple of “suits” in a lounge chair in Ottowa. You need resources on the ground and you need to listen to them. Neither of these actions are demonstrated by DFO. Virtually every decision they have made is a political one and not based on sound biology because they are lacking the inputs. The sport fishery, alone, demonstrates huge financial returns and organizations like BCWF are virtually ignored. DFO seems to want to run everything on a commercial basis. This is first “a peoples resource!” It belongs first to the public and should be managed for the public. Let those commercial interest grow fish in a tank. They do it in many states. DFO is managing only for commerce.

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Name: gettagrip

Date Created: October 19, 2023


Without any commercial catch of salmon, where would you suggest members of the general public go to be allowed wild salmon if they don’t belong to the sport fishing fleet?

Say an average person desires a WILD salmon for a healthy affordable meal for a special occasion, dosen’t own a fancy in fact the cost of a sport fishing licence could equal the cost to purchase THE salmon (if any are available

) perhaps Alaska could fill the void. Sporties Do Not represent the public at large. Merely a special interest group same as every other user that claims ownership of the PUBLIC’ s food sources. Shameful.

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