Viewasubmission Sub 117

Submission 0117-MATHER

Submitter: Allan Mather

Community: Salt Spring Island

Date Submitted: July 2, 2023


Please act now to stop this madness. The evidence is overwhelming. If you don’t, we will be selling off an amazingly wonderful resource for the profits of some corporations with no conscience. Salmon farming is a travesty. It is so destructive. It makes me very sad to think we are selling out our future.


please act now to stop this madness. the evidence is overwhelming. If you don’t we will be selling off an amazingly wonderful resource for the profits of some corporations with no conscience. Salmon farming in the Ocean is a travesty – so destructive. It makes me so sad to think we are selling out our future. I grew up fishing on this coast, and in a span of 60 years I have seen the salmo runs demolished, and fish farming is finishing it off. Stop this madness now!!! THANK YOU..

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